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Inexpensive and easily produced, the AR770 provides a lightweight 5.56mm combat solution that is most effective against unarmored foes. With low-to-moderate armor penetration capabilities, this rifle is best suited to a role as a light support weapon. The optional M355 Grenade Launcher provides the punch that makes this weapon effective against heavily armored foes.
-- Official description

The Assault Rifle is the very basic of weapons. It does hardly any damage, and is only useful for when you’ve just spawned and are under immediate attack. Your best bet is to find a weapons locker, or a weapon pickup, and get something better.

The primary firing mode is your standard firing mode; it will shoot out a stream of normal ammunition until you let go or until it bleeds the ammo clip.

The secondary firing mode launches a decently powerful grenade. The grenade bounces a little, and then explodes. If it hits an enemy, it will detonate immediately. The longer you hold down the alternate fire key determines how far you will launch the grenade.

You can increase the power of the Assault Rifle without a Double Damage power up if you kill an enemy who had the AR equipped (as in actually using it when he died, not just on him). When this happens, you can run over the enemy’s corpse to collect a second Assault Rifle, allowing you to use both AR’s at once, John Woo style. The gun itself is still not entirely powerful, but two are always better than one.


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Click on a weapon for detailed information


Assault Rifle


Flak Cannon


Lightning Gun


Sniper Rifle


Mini Gun


Rocket Launcher


Shield Gun


Shock Rifle


Ion Painter


Mine Layer






Link Gun


Target Painter


Grenade Launcher



