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Assassinate Franz Fuchs
Assassinate Fritz Fuchs
Retrieve the chemical bomb
Escape with the bomb

Franz Fuchs, of the international terrorist family, has developed a powerful chemical bomb and smuggled it into the renowned Thermal Bath Hotel in Budapest, which is hosting a U.F. peace conference.

Our client is a high-profile figure who prefers not to involve local authorities. We rely on you to handle this discretely.

Our client would like the bomb retrieved for analysis. Most of the conference delegates and their staffs are staying at the hotel. Security is obviously very tight, and Mr. Fuchs himself never travels without an entourage of guards. Fuchs is traveling under the alias of Bjorn Wulff.

Once you’ve assassinated the target and retrieved the bomb we’ll send a car to get you out of there.

View Screenshot You begin the mission facing a column. You are carrying the sniper suitcase. Drop it, because we won’t need it at all. At your starting location is also a Conference ID which you’ll need to pick up. There is also Diana’s Letter to your left. With the ID in hand, and the suitcase on the ground, run forward, toward the hotel. View Screenshot

When you arrive at the front door, the guard in front will check your ID. When he lets you pass, you’ll have to walk through a metal detector. View Screenshot The security personnel won’t fire at you, but they will remove your weapons. Walk in the door to enter the hotel, and turn right, to face the reception desk. View Screenshot The man will talk to you, have you register, and will give you a key to your hotel room. Facing the large central staircase, walk to the door to the left of it. View Screenshot Make sure no guards are near you or walking toward you, then pick the lock and go through. View Screenshot


You are in a small hall. Enter the only available door on the left side of the wall. You will be in a changing room. Go through the showers, View Screenshot, and wait at the next doorway. Peak to the left and you’ll see a guard. View Screenshot Get into sneak mode, and sneak around to the right. Do not let the guard see you, or you’ll be forced to leave the pool. You’ll see a man in the pool; this is your first target. View Screenshot You will want to slowly sneak around to the right. Hide behind every pillar, and make sure the guard isn’t looking before continuing. Every so often, he’ll walk to the left a little, but he never goes further than the middle pillars (in between the two changing rooms). Your destination is this doorway. View Screenshot Before entering the doorway, however, stay behind this pillar until the man exits the pool. Depending on how you’ve played, it can take from one to five minutes of real time for him to leave. The wait may seem long, but it’s best to kill the man now and get it over with.

After he goes into the room, follow him in sneak mode. He’ll enter the steam room. View Screenshot Wait until the door shuts behind him, then activate the red valve next to the door. This makes the room unbearably hot, causing the man to die. View Screenshot Once he’s down, open the door, and pick up the key on his corpse. Now, leave the pool the same way you came, and make sure not to alert the guard.

Back in the main hall, take the hallway to the right of the large staircase. View Screenshot Enter the elevator (the first door on the left), and ride it to the second floor. When it arrives, you’ll have to pass through a metal detector. You’ll be okay. Once through, open the large door on your left. In this hallway, you should see a cleaning man. View Screenshot Follow him until he opens a door, then swipe the Master Key from the door. Continue down the hall until you reach a junction. View Screenshot Take a left, enter the double doors, and walk down the hall, past the bodyguard. Enter the last door on your right, room 203. View Screenshot Once inside, open the door that’s in between the two windows. View Screenshot You are now outside on a balcony. View Screenshot Look to your right. We’re going to jump over to the balcony beside you, but not yet. Wait until a guard comes out. He’ll look around for twenty or so seconds, then he’ll go back inside. As soon as he turns around, press action to get the Hitman jumping. View Screenshot You should land on his balcony just as the door is shutting. Enter sneak mode, and open the door. Pull out your Syringe, and knock out the bodyguard. View Screenshot Don’t take his clothes. Look at the table, and you will see several items. You can take them all if you want, otherwise just grab the silenced pistol. Open the bathroom door. View Screenshot Your target is taking a shower. Pull out your gun, and shoot him once in the back of the head. View Screenshot Leave the bathroom, and grab the bomb case next to the bed. View Screenshot Drop your gun (so you don’t set off any metal detectors), and exit back to the balcony, jump over to the one you came from, and leave the hotel room to the main hall.


In the hall, turn left. Run down through the double doors, then follow the hall to the right. Soon, you will come to a choice of three doors. View Screenshot Take the one in the center. You will now be on the balcony overlooking the ground floor, where the reception desk is. View Screenshot Run across to the other side, go through either door, and turn right. You should be facing the U.F. conference room. View Screenshot Run toward the conference room, hang a right, and go up the long staircase, through the metal detector at the top. Past the detector, take a left, and go through the first door on your left, the one with the green “exit” marker above it. View Screenshot

You’re outside, on the roof. View Screenshot Run around the left side of the large white thing, and you’ll see two windows. View Screenshot Drop the suitcase, then enter the leftmost window. There is a guard in here, who will walk from the door to the wall. When he’s looking at the wall, and walking away from you, enter the door on the left side of the wall. View Screenshot

You’re in the dentist reception area. Take a right from the door you just came through, and head to the next one. View Screenshot Bring up your map, and watch the guard inside. When his icon starts moving from left to right, sneak into the room, and enter the door on the far left, by the window. View Screenshot Inside this room is the bomb. View Screenshot Pick it up, and backtrack to the dentist office reception area, back into the previous room, and out the window, back onto the roof. When you get on the roof, drop the bomb, pick up the bomb case, then pick up the bomb again, and the Hitman will place it in the case. View Screenshot Now, we make our escape.

From the roof, head back through the door on the opposite side, into the hotel hallway. Take a right, and go through the metal detector, down the large set of steps, until you’re facing the florist. View Screenshot Take two lefts from the florist, and pass through the metal detector. View Screenshot You’re on the main staircase. Take it down, and leave the hotel through the front doors. Once back outside, pass through the final metal detector, View Screenshot, and hang a left. Take the road all the way down, and when you reach the end, the mission concludes.

Congratulations, you’ve just beat the seventh mission. With your Silent Assassin rating, you have unlocked the SG220 .S Dual.


1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor


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