introduction . controls . basics . weapons . equipment . walkthrough . cheats . downloads . credits

These are the default controls for the PC version. You can change them to whatever you wish through the game options.

Control What it does
WMove forward
SMove backward
AStrafe to the left
DStrafe to the right
EPerform action (open, pickup, etc.)
Left Mouse Button (LMB)Fire weapon/zoom in map
Right Mouse Button (RMB)Open inventory/zoom out map/close sniper scope
GDrop weapon/item
QDraw/holster weapon
MBring up map
Left CTRLCrouch/Sneak
Left SHIFTHold to run
Spacebar ToggleCrouch/Sneak
Caps LockPress to run all the time
RReload weapon
BBring up mission briefing
ZLean to the left
CLean to the right
Mouse WheelZoom in/out, Scroll up/down, Scroll maps
F1Toggle 1st/3rd person perspective
F12Take screenshot
ESCBring up options menu/pause game
1Equip melee weapon (knife, etc.)
2Equip Pistol
3Equip Submachine gun
4Equip Rifle
5Equip Binoculars
6Equip Night Vision Goggles
7Equip Lockpick


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