WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 5: A Friend from the Past

Part 1 - The Lower City Rooftops


Don't stand on the edge of roof or the archer in the back will notice you. View Screenshot [SPEED KILL] Stand next to the fountain and wait until he turns to walk to the left then leap to his roof and speed kill him from behind. Walk to the left side of the railing on the left and wait for the archer below to walk to the right. Hop over the railing and land beside him then speed kill him. Be careful since he turns around quick. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run on the wall next to the broken railing and leap off the shutter, then immediately leap off the next shutter for a cutscene. Jump to the area below the building to the left. Wall run and grab onto the side of the building. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the archer to walk to the left then pull yourself up and speed kill him from the back. [END SPEED KILL] Stay behind the shrubbery and railing and do not get too close to the broken piece of the railing just yet or the archers ahead might see you. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the archer on the left to walk to the right side, then as he turns to face the other way jump toward the building they are on and the Prince will automatically grab onto the side. This action will scare off some birds perched near the area and the archers will investigate. When they get back to their normal positions move over to the far left while still hanging on. Wait for the archer on the left to walk toward you, then, as he passes by you, pull yourself up and speed kill him. Immediately following the first speed kill you will need to speed kill the other archer. [END SPEED KILL]

Jump to the top of the building for a cutscene. Move to the broken side of the railing that leads to the building below and jump to the building. Wall run to the shutter on the side of building and leap off of it to the chain in the distance. Slide all the way down the chain to cause a distortion for a speed kill. [SPEED KILL] Watch the two archers and wait until the archer in the back faces the right side then initiate the first speed kill on the pacing archer. Move behind the other archer and speed kill him as well. [END SPEED KILL] Walk through the doorway and jump to the ledge past the wooden floor. Drop to the second ledge below and it will fall causing you to land on the third ledge. Fall down to the floor below and walk through the doorway. To the left you will see a plate above you on the left wall. View Screenshot Wall run and stab the plate then jump to the ledge across from the plate. Make your way up the ledges and climb to the building above. Wall run on the right wall and stab the plate near the end. Drop and stab the next plate below the current one. Fall to the floor below and run to the left then run up the wall and stab the plate. Jump and stab the next plate then wall run and stab the tall plate to open two doors. The doorway behind you leads to an optional life upgrade and the one to the right will lead you toward your destination.

Run to the door across from the tall plate and roll underneath it before it closes. Hang off the side of the wall and fall to each ledge below until you reach the third ledge. Move to the right side and jump to the small ledge across from you. Drop down each of the wooden floors and go down the path ahead. Break open the chest for 10 sand credits along the way. View Screenshot Run around the corner and run up each of the caged walls. Drink from the fountain at the top.


Run through the traps when the spikes go under the floor and walk out onto the beam. Wait for the arrows to shoot out to the right of the beam below and jump to it. Walk to the very center of the beam and the arrows will not be able to hit you. When the arrows in front of you shoot out walk to the tip of the beam as they reload. View Screenshot Quickly jump to the next beam and pull yourself up. Walk to the end of beam you're currently on and wait for the bottom ledge to pop out then jump to it. Immediately hop up each of the next two ledges and get to the top. Tap that jump button fast! Walk toward the light. After gaining the life upgrade, return to the very beginning of the first area and stab your dagger into the tall plate to get out.

After stabbing the plate, go through the door on the right to find a save fountain.


Part 2 - The Arena

Walk through the doorway for a cutscene.

Boss - Giant Sand Warrior

View Screenshot Don't even think of running next to him and trying to hit him just yet. There are quite a few things you need to do to weaken him before you can hurt him.

Run to either the Prince's left or right to find some obstacles to climb on in order to reach the boss' head. The screen should zoom in as you approach each one. Keep in mind that you will need to dodge the boss' attacks the whole time you are trying to make it to a set of obstacles or while you are climbing the obstacles. He will try to sword slice you or pound the ground with his left fist as you run to the obstacles. Roll right before he does the attacks to avoid them while on the ground. Don't get too close to the boss or he will automatically grab you and throw you into the wall. He will usually try to hit you with his fist as you climb the obstacles on the side.

If you run to the Prince's right: Wall run and stab the first plate, then wall run to the right and stab the next plate. The boss will always hit the wall when you stab the second plate. Wall run to the right and grab onto the side of the platform on the right side then pull yourself up. Run up the wooden ramp and wall run directly up to the next plate and stab it. Wall run to the left to grab the side of the top platform. Pull yourself up and walk across the beam toward the boss to activate a screen distortion. Press the secondary attack button to initiate the Speed Kill 1 animation on the boss.

If you run to the Prince's left: Run up the small ramp then wall run to the right to grab onto a beam. The boss will always hit the wall beside you as you pull yourself up to the beam. While on the beam, jump to the right. Run to the ramp on the right side of the platform you land on and look for the plate above. Wall run up to the plate and stab it then wall run to the left to reach the top platform. Walk out onto the beam and press the secondary attack button to initiate the Speed Kill 2 animation on the boss.

Please note that the boss will destroy the first part of each obstacle after each speed kill so you will have to choose the other set for the next speed kill. After stabbing both eyes, get behind the boss and hack away with your dagger. Roll after every few attacks to make sure the boss doesn't hit you. Whenever he stumbles backwards make sure you stand behind him. When you get his life all the way down he will stand on one foot. Attack the other foot when he stands on one foot to make him fall to his knees and Speed Kill 3 will automatically start.

Speed Kill 1: The Prince will leap toward the boss and [STAB] him in the left shoulder then run to his right arm. The boss will try to grab the Prince with his left hand but the Prince will [SLICE] the boss' left hand with the dagger. The Prince will jump on the back of the boss' head and [STAB] him in the left eye with the dagger then the Prince will slide down the boss' chest and leap off his gut as the boss screams in agony.

Speed Kill 2: The Prince will leap toward the boss and [STAB] him in the right shoulder anchoring himself to the boss' right arm. The boss will grab the Prince with his left hand but the Prince will surprise the boss with a [STAB] directly into the side of the boss' hand. The boss will throw the Prince up in the air and the Prince will fall and grab onto the side of the boss' face and [STAB] him in the right eye. The Prince will fall off of him and run toward the screen as the boss screams in agony.

Speed Kill 3: The Prince will start at the boss' left leg and begin to run up his back. The Prince will [STAB] him directly in the center of the back. The boss will yell out and try to grab the Prince from his back using his left hand but the Prince will jump into the air and [FALL AND STAB] him directly in his right shoulder plate. The boss will flail in pain and the Prince will move up his back and [STAB] the boss directly in the back of his head and slide his knife down the boss' backside as the Prince falls to the ground below.

Part 3 - The Arena Tunnel

You will need to run through this first part fast! Wall run across the spike pit using either wall. Wall run up to the ledge directly in front of you and move to the left. Use the extending ledge up above to jump to the pole overhead. Grapple onto the pole with your whip while jumping and you will land on a ledge across from it. Pull yourself up to the floor above and run around the corner to the


left but stop before you get to the hole ahead. The metal sides of the wall in front of the hole will try to crush you so you must run by them quickly and grapple onto the pole with your whip. View Screenshot You will land on the bottom ledge ahead. Pull yourself up to each ledge above but make sure to avoid the crusher above the second ledge. On the third ledge move over to the left side and jump to the beam above. From the beam, jump to the area above and pull yourself up as the crushers go into the wall. Quickly break a pot in the back for some sand since you will surely need it by now. Climb down the ladder ahead until you reach a white block with a face on it. Use the secondary attack button to pull the block out of the wall. This will cause the door on the floor across from you to open. Hop on top of the block and use it to reach the floor above. Quickly run to the closing door in the back and roll underneath it just before it closes.

Run along the right wall and grapple to the torch to continue wall running to the ledge across from you. Move over to the left and grab the next ledge then move to the left again. View Screenshot Jump toward the pole and grapple it with the whip to swing to the ledge across from you. Pull yourself up to the next ledge then hop across the next two beams to reach the area across from you. Run through the door at the end and step down into the water for a cutscene.

Destroy the weapon rack to the left for an axe and go through the doorway for a cutscene. There is a save fountain to your left through the door.


Part 4 - The Balconies

Watch the enemies in the back. [SPEED KILL] Right when the archer turns his back, wall run on the right wall and start a speed kill on him the moment you hit the shutter on the wall. View Screenshot Run over to the guard afterward and speed kill him while his back is turned. [END SPEED KILL] Step up on the raised platform to the side and activate landscape view. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the archer in the back walks toward you and turns left then wall run on the left wall and start a speed kill on him the moment you hit the shutter on the wall ahead. He will be facing you, but the speed kill distortion will still activate. [END SPEED KILL] Hang off the side of the railing next to the tall railing and leap to the area across from you. [SPEED KILL] Pull yourself up to the area with the guard and sneak up behind him for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL]

Hop over the plank the guard was facing. Pick up the Mace from the weapon rack if you need it. Wall run up to the plate above the weapon rack and stab it. Wall run to the next two plates on the left and stab them. While on the third plate the camera will show you a chain in the distance. Wall run to the left and jump to the chain when you line up with it. [SPEED KILL] Slide all the way down the chain and speed kill the guard below whenever you're ready. [END SPEED KILL] Walk out onto the beam the guard was staring at and jump to the chain in the distance. [SPEED KILL] Slide down to the bottom of the chain and wait for both guards to walk toward each other and stand still while they are directly below you, then go for a double speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] After that the Prince should be in the posture for another speed kill. [SPEED KILL] Don't jump off the railing. Head to the right and go around the corner until you hit a dead end. Stand above the open area that overlooks the pacing sand gate guard and wait for him to walk your way. When he stops, hang off the side of the building above him and the screen will distort allowing you to activate a speed kill on him [END SPEED KILL] Be sure to grab his sword after defeating him. Walk to the sand gate to get the Eye of the Storm power. This power will allow you to slow down time with the tap of the Recall button.


Go back to the area you were just at that that overlooked the sand gate guard (wall run up to the railing on any side). Two archers and two guards will ambush you along the way. Use the Eye of the Storm power to make the battle much easier. Hit the switch on the right wall with a wall run and use Eye of the Storm to slow down time then quickly get to the door below before it closes. View Screenshot Drop down through the open area overlooking the sand gate and roll through the door just before it closes. Roll under the boards ahead and use the save fountain to the left.


Part 5 - The Dark Alley

Walk over to the area with the fallen lattice and break the weapon racks on both sides. The weapon rack on the right will hold a Mace. Wall run up either wall then wall jump to the plate at the very top and stab it. Wall run to the right from the plate to drop to the floor beside you. Walk through the doorway and walk up to the ladder then climb it to the top. View Screenshot Walk to the very end of the wooden bridge then hop off. Some birds will scatter and catch the attention of the archers below. This is a hard speed kill to get. Do not stand too close to the railing or the archer below will notice you. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the second archer on the building across from you to pace to the left, then hop over the railing next to the first archer so that his back is facing you then speed kill him. Step behind the rock railing that is beside the open area leading to the building with the second archer. When the second archer walks to the left, jump to the other side and speed kill him from behind. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run on the wall to make it up the side of the building and view a cutscene.

After the cutscene, wait behind the baskets and the hanging clothes to the left for the Prince to crouch and get ready for a speed kill. Make sure to wait for the Prince to crouch or the guard ahead will see you. Walk to the railing up ahead and you will see a guard behind it. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the guard to turn his back then hop over the railing and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Look for a dagger plate on the left wall and jump and stab it. Wall run to the dagger plate on the left and stab it as well. A guard and an archer will notice you when you stab the second dagger plate. Wall run to the left and fight them on the building. Jump to the next building and you will have to battle some more guards. A cutscene will play after you beat the final guard. Go through the newly opened door after the cutscene.


Walk out onto the piece of the building pointing to a gap and jump to the gap. View Screenshot Slide down the gap. The camera view will show you a plate that you can jump and stab. Wall run to the right from the plate and slide down the curtain. Walk through the doorway and head left. Wall run up to the top of the building on the right. Wall run on the right wall to the curtain then jump off the curtain when you slide near the bottom to jump to the area across from it. Walk through the doorway in the back and head to the left. Go to the area where the walls are close together and run up either wall and wall jump to the ledge above. Make sure to use the outer area of the wall when you wall jump. Walk all the way around the ledge and step out onto the beam. Jump to the balcony across from you. Use the left wall to wall run over the gap inside. Climb up the next two ladders and go through the doorway to find a save fountain on the left side of the next area. The area with the save fountain is very dark so make sure you look for it.


Part 6 - The Temple Rooftops

Walk to the wooden balcony to trigger a cutscene. View Screenshot After the cutscene, drop off the balcony via the broken railing. A group of transparent sand creatures will attack once you drop below. As they move around they become a bit more visible. They're basically just like the sand creatures from earlier in the Sewers. Walk over to the area where the Vizier was and, near the door where he entered the area during the cutscene, break the chest for 10 sand credits. View Screenshot Directly in front of the balcony you fell from, go around the corner to the right then make another right and look at the right wall to see a plate up above. View Screenshot Run up the wall and stab the plate. Jump after stabbing the plate to grab onto the crevice above then shimmy to the other side until the camera shows you a column across from you. Jump to the column and climb to the very top. Jump and stab the plate across from it then wall run to the right and leap off the shutter for a cutscene. Hop down to the platform below with the bell. A transparent sand creature will attack upon landing to the area. Use the grab/block button to slide the bell over to the hole in the wall up above you. Get on top of the bell and wall run up to the hole in the wall and grab the side. Pull yourself up and wall run up to the tall plate and stab it with the dagger. A cutscene will play. Quickly jump back on top of the bell and wall run toward the open door. The door is to the Prince's right when facing away from the tall plate. You will grab onto the side of the floor next to the door after the wall run. Pull yourself up and get through the door before it closes. If the door closes jump back down and use your dagger on the plate again.

Jump to the ledge below the torch and move to the right. The camera angle will show you a plate across from you. Jump and stab the dagger into the plate. Wall run to the left to reach a ledge. Quickly move left across the ledge as it crumbles and jump to the plate across from you and stab it. Wall run to the ledge on the right. Move to the right across the ledge and jump and stab the dagger into the plate above the ledge at the end. Jump to the tall plate across from the current one and stab it. This will cause two ledges to extend from the wall. One of ledges is below you and one is across from the left side of the ledge below. Drop to the ledge below and quickly move to the right across it. Pull yourself up and jump to the ledge across from you. Move all the way to the right and grab the next ledge before the current one goes back into the wall and pull yourself up again. Get off the current ledge before it falls by jumping to the crevice up above it. Shimmy all the way to the right end of the crevice and fall to the ledge below it. Move to the right and jump and stab the plate across from you. Wall run to the left and jump off the wall to reach an area with a door. Wall run up the wall beside the door to reach a ledge. Jump to the next floor across from the ledge.

As soon as you climb up to the floor above, some sand dogs will attack. View Screenshot Wait for them to steal a sand then stab them with the dagger. Climb on top of the stone piece to the side of the first tower to the right and face the pole that is above you. Wall run on the left wall and jump to the pole when you are across from it. The camera angle will change as you run. Swing from the pole to the tall plate on the side of the tower and stab it. This will raise a platform in the back next to the second tower. Drop off the plate and run to the platform. Don't worry, it won't sink. Once on top of the platform wall run into the tower and you will land on a wooden platform in between the tower. Look up to see an open area in the wall. Wall run against the next tower wall and jump to the pole up above the tower. The camera angle will show you the pole during the middle of the wall run. Turn around on the pole and swing to the top of the tower wall. Pull yourself up the tower wall and jump to the small strip of the platform across from the wall. Move to the right then wall run up to the plate and stab it. From the plate, wall run to the left and jump to the pole across from the wall. Swing from the pole and land on the small beam ahead. Wait for the guard behind the window to turn his back to you then jump to the floor up above on the left.

[SPEED KILL] Hang on the side of the railing next to the beam. Jump to the beam then jump and stab the plate across from the beam. The screen will distort many times while moving around above but don't speed kill just yet. Wall run to the left and jump off the shutter then stab the plate it will send you to. Wall run to the next plate to the right and stab it. This is the area where you should start the speed kills. Wait for the two normal guards to stand together with both of their backs toward you - activate a double speed kill on both of them at that instant. After killing both of them, sneak behind the sand gate guard and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Walk up to the sand gate to gain a new sand tank. Be sure to grab the sand gate guard's sword. Drag the bell over to the area with two plates in the wall. You will need to break some of the pots in the way. Wall run up to the first plate and stab, then jump to the second plate and stab. Jump to the floor above and pull yourself up for a cutscene.

After the cutscene, hang over the railing across from the lever in the distance and drop to the floor below. Wall run up to the railing in front of you and rotate the lever. Drop back down to where you were. Stand on the raised area below the first plate and wall run up to it and stab it. Wall run to the next two plates and stab them. When you reach the third plate jump on top of the broken tower wall. Drop to the other side and rotate the lever to the left. Rotate the next lever across from you after that. A cutscene will occur. Go back and rotate the other lever across from you again. Another cutscene will occur. Rotate the lever you just got finished with


one more time. A cutscene will start and sand dogs will attack you afterwards. The sand dogs should be no threat at all if you took the sand gate guard's sword from earlier. Get back inside the tower (wall run up to the side) and go back to the very first lever you rotated in this area. You can hop off of the side of the wall to the inside of the tower without taking damage. View Screenshot Another cutscene will occur after you rotate the last lever. Hop to the floor below after the cutscene and push the bell to the area below the tall plate. Wall run and sink the dagger into the tall plate for a cutscene. After the cutscene you will need to reactivate the switch in the plate to open the door right beside you. Wall run up the railing and get through the door before it closes.

(Please note that if you move the levers out of order the cutscenes will not activate sometimes, ever if the bridge is laid out in front of Farah.)

Move along the small strip of floor against the left wall. When you reach the end jump and stab the plate across from you. Wall run to the left to reach the area ahead. Wall run to the plate above and stab it. Jump to the ledge above you and move to the right. Jump to the next ledge and move to the right once again. Line yourself up with the ledge across from you and jump to it. Pull yourself up to the ledge and jump and stab the plate across from the ledge. Wall run to the left to reach the floor above. Walk up the steps to find a save fountain.



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