This section is a list of all the life upgrade locations found in the game. You will need to go through a series of traps to gain each one. Most of the explanations are taken from the walkthrough section.

Life Upgrade #1

Location: The Sewers

Description: This area is right after the Dark Prince segment in the Sewers. The area with the life upgrade is to the left after you roll under the door that leads to the save fountain for "The Tunnels". If you saved at "The Tunnels" you will need to go back through the traps to get to the life upgrade area.

The Details: After changing back to normal Prince from Dark Prince, walk up to the wooden walls in the back and jump to the ledge on the right side. From the first ledge, hop up to the next two ledges across from you. Move to the Prince's left and jump behind him as the wall comes down and stab the dagger into the plate on the wall. When the wall moves upward, wall run to the left. Run down the lit up hall ahead to find some sand creatures. Stay in the lit up areas and they should go down quickly. In the third section of the hall wall run up to the plate and stab it with the dagger to open the door in the back. Quickly roll through the door. The area for the first life upgrade is to the left behind some curtains as you roll through the door. You might want to reach the save fountain on the other side of the saw blades and come back to it.

Look to the left to see some curtains covering an entrance. Go past the curtains and wall run on the right wall (or jump) to reach the platform ahead. Walk around the corner and jump to the next platform with the pots in the back. Walk out onto the beam and jump to the next three beams and walk to the next platform. Walk out onto another broken beam, then jump to the next one. Walk to the left on the last beam and jump to the area ahead. Drink from the fountain to gain the first life upgrade.

Roll through the small break in the saw blades as they retreat into the wall. Walk out onto the beam ahead and wait for the arrows to shoot then quickly walk across the beam and stop right before you get to the next set of arrows. Wait once again for the arrows to shoot then walk toward the saw blades. Stand at the edge of the beam and jump through the break in the saw blades as they ass
by. On the final beam walk to the very end just before you get to the holes on the ground and jump ahead when the saw blade goes under the floor.

Life Upgrade #2

Location: Lower City Rooftops

Description: After wall running and stabbing the tall plate near the end of this area, run to the door directly across from the tall plate to enter the area that will lead to the life upgrade.

The Details: Run to the door across from the tall plate and roll underneath it before it closes. Hang off the side of the wall and fall to each ledge below until you reach the third ledge. Move to the right side and jump to the small ledge across from you. Drop down each of the wooden floors and go down the path ahead. Break open the chest for 10 sand credits along the way. Run around the corner and run up each of the caged walls. Drink from the fountain at the top.

Run through the traps when the spikes go under the floor and walk out onto the beam. Wait for the arrows to shoot out to the right of the beam below and jump to it. Walk to the very center of the beam and the arrows will not be able to hit you. When the arrows in front of you shoot out walk to the tip of the beam as they reload. Quickly jump to the next beam and pull yourself up. Walk to the end of beam you're currently on and wait for the bottom ledge to pop out then jump to it. Immediately hop up each of the next two ledges and get to the top. Tap that jump button fast! Walk toward the light. After gaining the life upgrade, return to the very beginning of the first area and stab your dagger into the tall plate to get out.

Life Upgrade #3

Location: The Temple

Description: This life upgrade is found in the room right after the Dark Prince segment in The Temple area. In the room where the Prince has to drain the water, the life upgrade is behind a hole in the wall covered by a flag. Jump from the bottom pole on the second set of poles to reach the hole.

The Details: Rotate the lever off to the side to drain the water in the middle of the room. Sand wraiths will attack you afterwards. Use Eye of the Storm to slow down time and defeat them quickly. Pick up one of their daggers after defeating them. Face the area with the lever and look to the right. Wall run up the right wall next to the area with the lever and jump to the column above. Climb up the column and jump to the next column. On the second column rotate the camera to see a platform with a door behind you. Jump to the platform and jump to the pole across from the platform. Wall run on the wall to the left of the door and jump to the pole that will be across from the wall as you near the end of the wall run. Stand on top of the pole and jump to the next pole. Swing toward the next set of poles. You will land on the bottom pole and will have a choice of where to go next.

From the bottom pole, line up with the entrance behind the flag and swing on the pole then jump inside. Wall run on the left wall and slide down the curtain. When you near the bottom of the curtains jump to the next curtain across from you and fall to the floor below. Break the pots to the side for some sands if you need them because you definitely will in a few minutes. Across from the pots is the area to exit this room after you get the life upgrade. Run down the hall and drink from the fountain.

To start this portion, wall run on the right wall and jump from shutter to shutter until you reach the column at the end. Don't worry about the spike pillars that pop up while jumping from shutter to shutter since they cannot hit you and are only there to distract your timing. There are a total of nine shutters. Tapping the jump button while jumping from shutter to shutter seems to work rather well, but be sure to stop tapping it when you reach the column at the end. From the column at the end, jump to the next pillar when the saw blade goes into the floor. Do the same thing for the next saw blade. The columns will fall so you must not stop long. The final two columns seem to give you more time to jump because of the increase in saw blade speed. On the other side, walk toward the light to gain the life upgrade.

Life Upgrade #4

Location: The Canal

Description: This one is found right after the boss fight with the big boss in the City Garden. When you come across the save fountain for "The Canal" area, look to the right of the save fountain for a hole in the wall that you can roll through.

The Details: Roll through the hole by the baskets to the right of the save fountain. Move to the left on the first ledge then drop down to the second ledge below and continue moving left. Walk to the very end of the next ledge further down and hop onto the ladder across from it. Slide all the way down the ladder and jump to the floor below. Drink from the fountain to start the life upgrade trial.

Walk to the left. For the first set of traps, run through them on the right side when the first spike pillar starts to move to the left. Be sure to roll just as the second spike pillar comes downward. Use Eye of the Storm and wall run on the left wall to get past the saw blades easily. If you don't have any sands then run the moment right before the first saw blade goes into the wall. For next set of spike pillars, run through the right side when the first spike pillar touches the left wall. When you reach the lone saw blade, stand on the right side and study the movements then roll through the second you see an open spot. Walk toward the light to claim the life upgrade. Leave the area afterwards and roll back through the hole.

Life Upgrade #5

Location: The Palace Entrance

Description: The entrance for this one will be right next to the second lever in "The Palace Entrance" area. Look for the three plates off on the side wall of the elevator shaft. This is in the same area where you fight the female sand creatures for the first time with the normal Prince.

The details: Look off the side of the railing and you will see a group of three plates on the elevator shaft wall. Hang off the railing and jump to the first plate and stab it, then jump up the plates until you reach the third plate. From the third plate, jump to the wall across from you then wall jump to the switch on the wall above (3 jumps). Immediately activate Eye of the Storm while falling and stab the plate below. Drop and stab the second plate then jump back to the railing. Run through the newly opened door and drink from the fountain at the end of the twisting hall to start the challenge for the fifth life upgrade.

Stay on one side and wait for the slow saw blade to move to the other side and wait until right before the rotating spiked floor is about to rotate inward then jump across to the platform with the slow saw blade. Jump up the first three ledges as they come out of the wall then hop across to the next two ledges and jump across to the floor above from the second ledge. Move fast along these ledges! The area above has three spiked rotators and two saw blades on the floor. Wait for the spiked rotator on the left wall to rotate inward then dash across on the left. Make sure that the left most saw blade and the spiked wall are not going to meet at the left end when dashing. Eye of the Storm will help here as usual. Run up to the light in the back to get the upgrade.

Life Upgrade #6

Location: The Middle Tower

Description: This is found after moving the first block to the small lift. After going through some obstacles after that, you will run into a stone platform that you will need to leap to from a wooden platform. While on the wooden platform, above the entrance, you can press the landscape view button to see the entrance below you. Leap to the stone platform from the wooden platform and drop to the beams below it to find the entrance to this life upgrade.

The Details: Leap to the stone platform and continue to hang off. Drop to the beam below then drop to the next beam. On the second beam jump to the wooden beam leading to the hole in the wall. Walk to the back of the room and fall down to the floor below then fall down another floor. Run to the back and climb the stone block then wall run up to the small ledge on the wall in front of you. Jump to the ledge across from you and pull yourself up along the next few ledges above. Jump to the floor across from you on the top ledge and drink from the fountain.

Stand on the right and wait until the rotating floor spikes are about to move inward then roll under the rotating blades and run over the rotator (which should be turned by now). You can stand on the area after the rotator without getting hit. Wait until the saw blade is fully out and the back wall rotators are about to go inward then wall run on the left wall and jump to the platform wall across from the wall then wall jump up the rotators to land on the platform. For the next trap, wait until the first saw blade is halfway out (going inward) then wall run on the left wall and jump to the beam across from the wall all the way at the end. The beam is pretty difficult to make it to. You must time your jump and jump over to it at the extreme end of the wall run. You have to jump much later then you think you do. Jump to the set of beams and drop down to the bottom beam, then jump to the next trap. For this one, stand on the right and wait for the first rotator to go into the floor then wall run on the right wall to pass over all the traps. Head to the light to
claim the life upgrade. Return back to where you were before. Go up the wooden beams and jump to the wooden platform to make it back to the stone platform.


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