 - Chapter 01
 - Chapter 02
 - Chapter 03
 - Chapter 04
 - Chapter 05
 - Chapter 06
 - Chapter 07
 - Chapter 08
 - Chapter 09
 - Chapter 10
 - Chapter 11
 - Chapter 12
 Database Files

== Shuttle ==

Step outside the shuttle then move down the ramp.

== Landing Pad ==

While Isaac is standing on the ramp, Nicole will give him the next few objectives.

Objective Added:
[ ] Bring the Loader to the Shuttle

I need a mobile loading platform to move the Marker. There should be one attached to the track somewhere around here.

[ ] Open the Supply Depot Door

I'll have to drag the Marker through the colony. The door to the Supply Depot is offline. I need to find a Power Cell to get it working again.

Move off the ramp then run toward the wall directly ahead. Look off to the right to catch sight of an --ITEM BOX--. Turn to the left and move ahead then you'll eventually see a metal platform with some luggage off to the right and another --ITEM BOX-- lying among the luggage. Another --ITEM BOX-- is on a metal platform further ahead on the same side. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the wall of the building off to the left further ahead.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Container


The loader is right next to Nicole. View Screenshot Stand on one side of it then grapple the loader with kinesis and pull it back toward the shuttle. Pull it as far along the tracks as you can and the control panel near the shuttle will light up blue. View Screenshot Walk over to the controls and choose to activate the loader and the Marker will placed on the loader. View Screenshot

Objective Complete:
[X] Bring the Loader to the Shuttle

Objective Added:
[ ] Take the Marker to Pedestal Site

Nicole said something about a Pedestal Chamber. I need to bring the Marker there and plug it back into the pedestal somehow. According to Dr. Kyne, that should trap the Hive Mind back into the core of the planet. Kendra had said that the Marker was responsible for starting the necromorph infection. Somehow it must have the power to also contain the creatures.

Grapple the loader with the Marker on it and slide it back toward Nicole. Pull it over the electrical portion of the track and it will sink into place beside the large door. Don't step in the electricity on the track on accident or it will electrocute Isaac. Notice the power plug without any power on the side wall. Enter the Control Room Barracks building to the left.

== Control Room Barracks ==

While looking around this room, --THE PEDESTAL-- database file will be received.

[ ] --"The Pedestal" database file--

There is a !!SAVE STATION!! on the wall to the left along with an !!UPGRADE BENCH!! beside it. Off to the left and right side of the room is some --RANDOM AMMO-- on each side and down the hall to the left is a !!STORE!!. To the left of the store, on the bottom bunk bed is another --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup - you have to get right up next to the bottom bed and rotate the camera to see it.
Enter the Gravity Tether Control Room.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo

== Gravity Tether Control Room ==

Open the --ITEM LOCKER-- off to the left followed by the two --ITEM CHESTS-- off to the right. The --COLONY CHAOS-- database file is on the floor directly ahead along with a --GOLD SEMICONDUCTOR-- further ahead of it. Step back into the prior room. View Screenshot

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Container
[ ] --"Colony Chaos" database file--
[ ] Gold Semiconductor

== Control Room Barracks ==


If you look through the left side of the glass inside the room across from the one Isaac just exited, then you can see the power unit for the power plug inside. There are two Infectors in that room though, and you're currently in a room filled with dead bodies. Walk around the current room and smash all appendages off of every dead body. View Screenshot

Open the door to the next room then fight off the two Infectors that attack. Step inside the Gravity Tether Computer Room where they were and smash the three --ITEM BOXES-- then open the door and grapple the power unit with kinesis then bring it outside. Open the entrance door that leads outside and carry the power unit out the door to the Landing Pad area. View Screenshot

== Landing Pad ==

A Divider is out here now so shoot him with stasis and blow off an appendage then quickly switch over to the Force Gun and blast the Crawlers that he splits into. Grapple the power unit then walk over to the power plug and plug it in. The big door to the Supply Depot will open.

Objective Complete:
[X] Open the Supply Depot Door


Grapple the Marker with kinesis and move it along the track while headed for either unlocked door along the side of the Supply Depot door. Open the door then grapple the Marker from the other side and continue to pull it into the Gravity Tether Operations A room - it doesn't matter which walkway Isaac steps onto. View Screenshot Use the controls on either side of the room to lock the door behind the Marker then the door in front of the Marker will open. View Screenshot Grapple the Marker then pull it into the next room. Open the door and walk inside.

== Gravity Tether Operations A ==

Before you do anything in this room, collect all the items. There are two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups on the right side and two --ITEM CONTAINERS-- along the wall on the left side. There is also a stasis recharger on both sides of this room, so be sure to keep these in mind.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Container

You might as well get the big enemy fight over with before you mess with the Marker. Walk further into the room to trigger a quarantine. Find a corner and stay there then survey the room as a Dark Slasher attacks followed by more Dark Slashers and a few Lurkers. View Screenshot An Exploder will appear soon enough followed by even more Dark Slashers. The Force Gun works well for this area until the Exploders appear. Shoot the Exploders with stasis if you have to in order to keep them from attacking while close to them. You need to take out the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter to deal with the Exploder. If at all possible, shoot his explosive appendage while other enemies are around him.

More Dark Slashers, Lurkers and Exploders will pile into the room then they will eventually stop, yet the quarantine will remain in place! Keep in mind that you just endured the worst part of the quarantine however. Find the two --ITEM BOXES-- along the right side of the room then smash them. You can also go ahead and find the --RUBY SEMICONDUCTOR-- along the left side of the back portion of the room. The second wave of necromorphs will not attack until the Marker is moved a bit.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Ruby Semiconductor


Run back to the Marker and pull it toward the bridge beside it then use the controls along the side to raise the bridge. View Screenshot Once the bridge is raised, quickly grapple the Marker and pull it through the tracks below the bridge. The bridge will fall back down but the Marker will keep it from closing if you pull the Marker fast enough. Keep moving the Marker further along the track until it bangs against the second bridge along the side. You'll have to run to the other side and raise the bridge then pull the Marker under the bridge once again.

Two Lurkers will appear soon, so prepare to let go of the Marker then fight them off. Continue to move the Marker toward the far side then get on the other side of it and pull it to the left side of this room. You'll see that the far side only has a sealed door, but there is locked door with a big door and track to the side of it along the left side. You'll need to pull the Marker toward another bridge then lift the bridge with the controls and slide the Marker under it once again. Pull the Marker as far as it will go. View Screenshot

Four Exploders will appear around the room eventually, so take out the Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle then aim at their explosive appendages quickly and then shoot them so they can't get to Isaac. If one gets too close then shoot him with stasis and run away. There are two stasis rechargers on this side of the room as well. The quarantine placed on this room will lift after the final Exploder is finished.

Pull the Marker into the next area then open either of the side doors and enter the next room. Drag the Marker inside then close the door behind it with either control panel and the other door to the Gravity Tether Core will open.

== Gravity Tether Core ==


Don't allow the middle door to the next room to open before Isaac steps through one of the side doors or the Spawners inside will get the best of you by laying pods all around their area. View Screenshot They are on the right side of the next room on both sides of the door to the right. Open one of the side doors then charge into the next room and shoot one with stasis then spam the other with force grenades from the Force Gun. Once one falls, quickly take down the other with force grenades. This battle can get ugly if you allow them to react as the middle doors opens in the prior room. The --RESTORE POWER-- database file will be received once Isaac enters this room.

[ ] --"Restore Power" database file--

Objective Added:
[ ] Restore Power to the Bridges

I don't know where Nicole went, but she said I need to restore power to the bridges. There's a zero-g maintenance tube nearby that should have a power grid inside.

There are four --ITEM LOCKERS-- off to the left and a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup off to the right at the entrance portion to this room. If you look in between the middle set of railings, there is a --RANDOM AMMO-- pickup on the floor below, so grapple it with kinesis to collect it. There is a --MEDIUM MED PACK-- in the back left corner next to an unlocked door, a !!SAVE STATION!! near the back left door and a !!STORE!! to the right of the back right door. There is also a stasis recharger on the left middle portion of the wall - watch out for the body hanging on the wall since it will attack with its chest appendages. Blast it if you want.

[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Medium Med Pack


The bridges in this room cannot be used at the moment since they lack power, so moving the Marker is out of the question at the moment. Open the door in between the dead Spawners on the right side of room. View Screenshot

== Gravity Tube ==

Isaac will enter a zero gravity tube. Grapple the --ITEM BOX-- floating up ahead then smash it. Walk into the tube ahead. Find the --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall beside the entrance door then open it. Be careful about moving too much to the side, I wouldn't want my reader getting motion sickness. Maneuver through the metal railings along the side. View Screenshot

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Container

A Dark Stinger will attack from up ahead. You'll quickly learn that it can be quite hard to fight an enemy in this narrow space. Shoot him with stasis to slow him down then use the Plasma Cutter or Line Gun to finish him. Grapple the --ITEM BOX-- above the fan ahead then break it. Prepare to fight the Dark Lurker as it comes into view by shooting it with stasis as it reveals its appendages to attack then simply blow them off with a Plasma Cutter.

[ ] Item Box


Further down the tube, you'll find another floating --ITEM BOX--. Keep moving ahead and leap through the opening in between the four connected railings further down the tube. View Screenshot Grapple the next --ITEM BOX-- up ahead then smash it. Jump to the room below.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box

Open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- then recharge your stasis at the stasis recharger. You'll definitely need some stasis on the way back. Walk over to the control lever and grapple it with kinesis then pull it downward to restore power to the elevator. View Screenshot

[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest

Objective Complete:
[X] Restore Power to the Bridges


Pulling the lever downward will restore power to the fans in the tube as well. Jump back up into the tube on the ceiling then carefully hop through the railings up ahead. Target the middle of the fan then shoot it with stasis. View Screenshot Run through the fan - the blades will not hurt Isaac as long as stasis is in effect. Continue around the corner of the tube then get ready for a battle.

A Dark Stinger and two Dark Lurkers will attack in the middle of the tube. Stasis the Dark Stinger and try to take him down first with the Line Gun then turn your attention toward the Dark Lurkers. Try to get rid of one as soon as possibly since they are deadly in pairs in this narrow tube. The items from the enemies will get blown back to the end of the tunnel if you let them get away so grapple them toward Isaac if you have to.

Continue down the tube after the battle then shoot the middle of the next fan with stasis and pass through it. Move all the way back to the entrance of the tube then step back through the door at the end.

== Gravity Tether Core ==

A Dark Brute will be standing on the other side of the left bridge awaiting Isaac's return, so prepare to shoot him with stasis as he runs toward Isaac then get in the back of him with the Contact Beam and cut off his legs. View Screenshot He will leave behind a --POWER NODE--. Be sure to recharge Isaac's stasis at the stasis recharger on the other side of the room.

[ ] Power Node


Now, let's get down to business. Walk over to the Marker then lift the bridge next to it via the controls that are now online. Pull the Marker under the bridge. Pull it further over then raise the next bridge and continue moving the Marker. Move it all the way into the Gravity Tether Operations B room. View Screenshot Enter the room yourself then pull the Marker into the middle. Use the controls to lock the door behind the Marker then the next set of doors in the middle and door along the track will open.

== Gravity Tether Operations B ==

A loud scream of a really big nearby enemy just asking for a gravity boot stomp from Mr. Clarke can be heard as Isaac enters this new area.

Collect the --POWER NODE-- and smash the --ITEM BOX-- on the right side of the room then open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- further ahead. Find the --RANDOM AMMO-- near a dead body. If you stand to the side of the first bridge, closest to the body with the ammo, you can see some --RANDOM AMMO-- on the floor below across from the side with the Marker, so grapple it with kinesis to collect it. Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- near the vent on the left side then smash the --ITEM BOX-- near it. Finally, there is a stasis recharger near the right exit door.

[ ] Power Node
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest,
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Container

Now that everything is collected, let us perform the Marker dragging. Grapple the Marker and bring it toward the first bridge then lift the bridge and pull it underneath the bridge. I sometimes have some problems getting the Marker under this bridge, so if you do as well, then move the Marker back to the other side and try again. Pull the Marker to the far side then open either door and step into the next area.

You know what to do in the next area. Pull the Maker toward the next door then use the controls to shut the door behind it. The next set of doors will open so walk outside to the Excavation Site. View Screenshot

== Excavation Site ==

Quickly grab the four --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups from the dead bodies to the right and open the two --ITEM CHESTS--. Run over to the other side and open the two --ITEM CHESTS-- then grab the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- from the left side of the display with the yellow image on it.

[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Medium Med Pack


This area right here can get a little bad at times with the different types of enemies that show up all at once. First of all, three Tentacles will appear along the bridge tracks that extend toward the far side up ahead. View Screenshot Blast the first Tentacle in the yellow portion with the Pulse Rifle. A Stasis Slasher, a Dark Lurker and a Dark Slasher will appear from the sides of this area - they move through the vents. Take out the Force Gun and deal with the Stasis Slasher first of all as it charges toward Isaac. Use stasis and the Line Gun or Plasma Cutter against the other two.

The enemies seem to appear after each Tentacle has been destroyed, so focus on one Tentacle at a time then turn to face the next wave of enemies that appear. Each wave consists of Dark Slashers, Dark Lurkers and Stasis Slashers and they all move out of the vents around the entrance, so don't ever leave your back turned toward the entrance for too long.

You'll have to move along the middle walkway to shoot at the last Tentacle. Grapple the Marker once the enemies stop coming then move it toward the Excavation Site at the other end of the tracks. Stop about halfway, once Isaac reaches the room surrounded by windows in the middle then turn and face the right side of that room and grapple the --RANDOM AMMO-- on the ledge to the left of it with your kinesis to pull it toward Isaac.

[ ] Random Ammo

Continue moving the Marker afterwards. The controls on the far side will activate as the Marker hits the other side. Interact with the controls to activate the loader.

Objective Complete:
[X] Take Marker to Pedestal Chamber

A scene will take place afterward and then Isaac must evacuate the area. Turn toward the room previously surrounded by windows then step through the opening and walk toward the door.

== Emergency Tunnel ==


The room will seal off while Isaac is inside and a scene will take place in which the --NICOLE'S FAREWELL-- database file will be received. A new objective will be issued afterward. View Screenshot

[ ] --"Nicole's Farewell" database file--

Objective Added:
[ ] Return to the Shuttle

Is Kendra right... am I losing my mind...? Nicole was dead this entire time. A hallucination created by the Marker. This whole time, it was the Marker pushing me to return it to the planet. It's sentient... alive in some way. And now Kendra has it again. I've got to get back to the shuttle and get off the planet before the chunk smashes into it!

Open the door ahead. There is an --ITEM CONTAINER-- on the left wall and a --POWER NODE-- on the far wall at the turn. Isaac will step through plenty of organic material along the way, so you'll have to walk quite a bit. Smash the two --ITEM BOXES-- along the way. After the next turn, open the --ITEM BOX-- on the left wall then smash the last --ITEM BOX-- and step into the next room.

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Container
[ ] Power Node
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item
[ ] Item Box

== Living Space ==

Wow, we have Christmas pickings for Isaac in here! Open the --ITEM CONTAINER-- , three --ITEM LOCKERS-- and the --ITEM CHEST-- then collect the two --RANDOM AMMO-- pickups and the --MEDIUM MED PACK-- View Screenshot

[ ] Item Container
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Locker
[ ] Item Chest
[ ] Random Ammo
[ ] Medium Med Pack


== Control Room Barracks ==

Alright, we are back in the room right near the Landing Pad. Make any last minute item decisions then save your game. Buy a lot of Plasma Energy or Pulse Rifle ammo if you need it. A bit of Force Gun ammo wouldn't hurt either. Use all Power Nodes at the upgrade bench. When you're ready, step outside.

NOTE: If you walk into the Gravity Tether Control Room, you can look through the windows and see the layout of the Item Boxes and explosive canisters for the boss fight ahead. View Screenshot

== Landing Pad ==

Move to the right and stomp both --ITEM BOXES-- to the side before stepping past the two large crates. Once Isaac moves toward the ship a slight cutscene will trigger. The cutscene will lead into the final boss fight of the game!

SPECIAL NOTE: From the side of the large crate, Isaac can actually grapple all five item boxes and bash them on the ground then collect the items before the cutscene for the boss fight begins. Your kinesis may have to be upgraded enough to reach the back item boxes. Don't move too far beyond the crate or the cutscene for the final boss fight will trigger. View Screenshot

Boss: Hive Mind

Recommended Weapons:
Pulse Rifle
Plasma Cutter
Force Gun (for Pregnants)

Wow, what a boss! Sadly, Kendra's remains are nowhere to be found, so we can't toss them at the Hive Mind.


There are a total of five --ITEM BOXES-- around the area - use kinesis or simply wait for the Hive Mind to break them open with its tentacles since stomping them leaves Isaac open to attacks. The Hive Mind has only one basic attack for the moment. It will try to smash Isaac with one of its tentacles. Simply run to one of the sides (right or left) whenever it leans back to avoid the tentacle smash. Whenever it smashes the floor, it will roar, and that is when it leaves itself wide open to attack. View Screenshot

You can easily pick out its weak spots represented by the yellow explosive appendages around its mouth. Wait for it to smash the ground then dodge the attack by running to the side and then shoot its yellow appendages with the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter. It pays to weaken them all at once instead of shooting off a few. You see, the Hive Mind will grab Isaac once only two yellow appendages remain.

Once the Hive Mind picks up Isaac, you will have to aim with Isaac's right arm while Isaac is upside down and blow off the last two appendages. View Screenshot Use the Pulse Rifle or the Plasma Cutter to shoot the remaining appendages. Much like when one of the other tentacles in the Ishimura pulled Isaac, your aiming will reset every time that it pulls Isaac closer. If the remaining appendages are not blown off before Isaac reaches the Hive Mind's mouth then a long death sequence will play. The Hive Mind will drop Isaac after all appendages around its mouth have been destroyed.

Oh, you've done it now. Now the Hive Mind will send out two Pregnants to attack eventually. Take out the Force Gun and aim upwards while approaching the Pregnants then blast them. Try to get rid of them quickly since the Hive Mind will start its attacks while they are on the platform. The Hive Mind will actually kill the Pregnants if it smashes them, so you could actually focus on dodging its smashes and allow it to kill its own allies.

The Hive Mind has two attacks now, but you can cancel one of them. When it leans back and holds up a tentacle, it is about to smash the floor with a tentacle, so run to one of the sides (right or left) to avoid it. Try to make sure that you stay on one side throughout the battle, so you can simply run to the other when it performs its ground smash attack. It will perform two ground smashes in a row, so run to one side and wait for the first smash to miss then quickly change direction and run to the other side. Sometimes it will perform this move twice in a row for a total of four smashes, so be sure to watch for it to hold up a tentacle then react quickly.


It will also lean back and shoot out acid pods at Isaac. These can be grappled with kinesis but they are much harder to grapple than the Leviathan or Brute's acid pods since it shoots them in different directions. The Hive Mind will also showcase its weak point in the form of five glowing appendages inside a hole in its chest whenever it leans back to fire out a pod. The appendages are covered by a rib cage at all other times. Instead of worrying about preparing to dodge the pod attack when it leans back, take out the Pulse Rifle or Plasma Cutter and shoot at one of the yellow appendages in its open chest. View Screenshot Once one of them explodes, this action will cancel the acid pod spit and it will go back to the tentacle smashes. Its patterns are very easy and if you have some good aim with the Pulse Rifle, then you won't even have to worry about grabbing pods with kinesis. It will sometimes send out more Pregnants if you don't shoot the yellow appendages, so be sure to aim for the appendages whenever it opens its chest to reveal them while it prepares its acid pod attack.

Destroy all five of the yellow appendages inside the Hive Mind's chest and it will fall over then fall into the pit below it. View Screenshot Don't stand near it when it first falls over since it can fall on Isaac and damage him. Step onto the ramp that leads to the shuttle and the ending cutscene will play.

[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box
[ ] Item Box

Before you get on the ramp that leads up to the shuttle, there is an --ITEM BOX-- right near it - this can help out for your next game.

[ ] Item Box


NOTE: You can wait around as long as you want to before boarding the shuttle once the Hive Mind is finished. I've actually just finished cleaning the entire deck by shooting off all appendages into the pit below and Isaac is still alive and standing while I type this, so I have a feeling that the time to board the ship is infinite. Take some extra time to clean the Pregnant appendage trash off the deck then board the shuttle! Make it whole again before you leave, Isaac. Make it whole.

The ending credits will play following the ending cutscene. View Screenshot Be sure to save your clear file to a slot after the ending credits to have a "New Game+" file!

Here is a list of the rewards that you will unlock on your first playthrough:

Military Suit Unlocked
Backstory Logs Unlocked
500000 Credits Awarded
10 Power Nodes Awarded
Impossible Mode Unlocked

The "Backstory Logs" are the last 6 logs for Chapter 12 and they will appear in Isaac's log database in a New Game+ playthrough. The Military Suit will appear as a Schematic in a New Game+ playthrough. All other bonuses are received in a New Game+ playthrough as well. Impossible difficulty can be accessed through a New Game, but if you turn off your console, you must reload the current New Game+ file and quit that game then start a New Game and the difficulty will appear.

W E    A R E   W H O L E   A G A I N,   I S A A C.

W E   A R E   W H O L E.

[ back to walkthrough - chapter 11 ] [ continue to database files ]