In honor of the Max Payne movie I give you two kick ass Max Payne tribute videos, definetly worth a look...(even if your not a Payne fan)...they are that good
...from one of the original Payne fans
ps:Unlike most of max payne fans i prefer Max Payne 2 to Max payne and i still haden't finish the original game.
yo i saw a little bit of the frist video ihav one question why can everyone do matrix bullcrap no offence but it was a little to much neo crap for me please respond 🤔
What the hell are you talking about...first off you can't post three messages in a row, it's against the site rules you need to wait for someone to respond otherwise it's considered spamming. I won't report you this time as your new but be mindful of it in the future...
This movie isn't going to be for kids, so if you don't understand it (and have never played the Max Payne series before) then you should move time 'think' before you post...
im sorry if i offened ur holly game but all i asked was why there was so much matrix like movement in the game 🤔 please respond
As the game has a thing called "bullet time", it basically slows down the game for a period of time. So it gives the illusion you have increased reactions, making the game more fun and easier to play. Bullet time is vital if you are ever going to complete Max Payne. So that's why the game has "matrix" style effects...