I dont know what i am doing wrong but i can hear ingame ''activatid'' but non of the options work , feels like i just threw away some money
It's been addressed multiple times in the main trainer thread:
Changed my gamer tag after a previous ban, started over fresh, and only used Timer Stop, Wheelspin, AI Stop, and Skill Points. After about 5 days got banned on this gamer tag too.
It should be noted that I do not play online. But since you have to authenticate online to start, things get transmitted to servers and checks happen. So basically anything you do that alters game code will probably get you banned eventually. If not, you are lucky.
I don't really care about the ban BUT I will warn you, you cannot restart after a ban because of a glitch where Drivatars won't appear during the tutorial where you have to hire your first drivatar. You will be forced to make a new gamer tag and start from there instead (unless they patch out that portion of the tutorial).
"I don't really care about the ban BUT I will warn you, you cannot restart after a ban because of a glitch where Drivatars won't appear during the tutorial where you have to hire your first drivatar. You will be forced to make a new gamer tag and start from there instead (unless they patch out that portion of the tutorial)".
That's disturbing, Id suggest emailing turn10 or Microsoft about that issue because It's one thing to ban you for life from accessing the online features of the game because you cheated in SINGLEPLAYER, but to lock you out of the game entirely when you try and start a new game is completely ridiculous, I mean It's offline SINGLEPLAYER for goodness sake.
Next they'll be handing out prison sentences, these devs are a little over the top if you ask me.
Today was my turn for the ban, and I haven't used anything other than unlimited wheelspins in the last 72 hours. Guess they're coming for all of us eventually.
Don't care, I never liked Forza's increasing obsession with online aspects of the game anyway. Far preferred Forza 1/2 in this respect; they were dedicated singleplayer titles. I like having large stables of cars without putting in 40 hours and this trainer allowed that, so I'm perfectly happy.
Just got banned today too. Like you I used the unlimited wheelspins so that I could get the Horizon Edition cars. Oh well, never played online and never used the trainer online. I did like downloading the community liveries.
NOTICE! We have received reports of a small number of users being banned by supposedly using the trainer. The trainer has been downloaded thousands of times and the number of ban reports have been less than 5 as of this posting. Our own MS account has not been banned and we have used the cheats repeatedly while working on the trainer. It is our belief that those who were banned either used it online, overused or misused the cheats to go from zero to max everything in a single day and then logged on to play online or cheated in a way that gave them an unfair advantage over other users in online play. THIS TRAINER WAS CREATED FOR OFFLINE PLAY ONLY. We never attempted to use it in online play as we don't make online trainers. The game has patched on Oct 4, and some of the options have stopped working. We have an updated trainer but will wait to post it until we get more reports of users either being banned or not being banned. We have also read on other Forza forums of users being banned for violations that had nothing to do with our trainer. Right now all we can say is USE THIS TRAINER AT YOUR OWN RISK AND USE IT RESPONSIBLY IN OFFLINE MODE ONLY. Do not use the trainer in excess which could cause red flags with Microsoft if you do decide to go online and play. We value each and every member's accounts and of course it's never our intention to cause an account to be banned. We take every precaution to prevent it, but ultimately if you choose to cheat sometimes you get caught and it's up to the game developers on how they want to respond to it. If we determine that our trainer, when used in offline mode, is directly contributing to the banning of our member's accounts, it will be discontinued. If we determine that the bans were caused by the misuse of the trainer or other violations then we are happy to continue updating and supporting the trainer.
You may leave feedback here or in the official trainer thread as to if your account was banned or not banned (both reports are equally as important) and the possible reason as to why. You may contact Microsoft and they may tell you exactly why you were banned. All we know is that there is no anti-cheat measures or code in the game to prevent cheating in the OFFLINE mode of the game which our trainer is designed for so we did nothing to circumvent any measures of this type and treated it like any other single player offline game.
UPDATE 10/04/2016: After receiving less than 5 reports of users being banned out of thousands using the trainer, we have determined that the bans were most likely caused by using the trainer and then using the benefits in online mode with unrealistic money/XP/cars/etc. The new trainer has been posted but continues to be USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and do what it right for our member base. We absolutely do not want to contribute to our members getting banned, but we also do not want to discontinue the support of a trainer that many members subscribed for if the bans were caused by a handful of users that misused the product.
UPDATE 10/5/2016: We have received complaints of more users being banned from online play by supposedly using the trainer only in offline mode. We have removed some of the options which may be causing this issue to see if it helps. If we continue to receive more reports, this trainer will be discontinued. We have had reports that the creation of a new gamertag will reset the game and remove the ban but cannot confirm at this time. As of this writing our own account has not been banned after using the trainer hundreds of times during daily testing.
[Edited by PWizard, 10/5/2016 11:18:51 PM]
Just notice i got banned and its my second time using it and just use it to freeze opponents never got online and today i try to go and i told me my gamer tag was banned for that feature i was a bad choice using this trainer now how would i fix this i never go online with trainer is there a way to fix this guys even if i have to buy another game.