PaleAlchemist's Cheat Happens Profile
Premium Plus
Member Since: Apr 04, 2024
Last Visit: Sep 16, 2024
Location: United Kingdom
Boards Postcount: 1
  Personal Comment
Artist, gamer (obviously, otherwise why would I be here) and general weirdo. I play a wide range of games on PC, remember the original Doom coming out and generally knock about lurking more than I post.

Serious moment, though - I have battled with mental health my whole life and know what it's like to be staring down the not-so-proverbial barrel of suicide. Please, if you're in that position, let this be a sign that you are wanted in this world and reach out to me. My IMs are always open. Don't mark this as a full-stop, use the semi-colon and talk to me before you reach for the absolute.

  Systems I Own
Playstation 4
XBox One
Nintendo Switch

Apple iOS Device
Android Device
Sony PS Vita
Playstation 3
XBox 360
Nintendo Wii U

Nintendo Wii
Nintendo DS
Nintendo 3DS / 3DS XL
Sony PSP
Playstation 2

Game Boy
Game Boy Color
Game Boy Advance
Nintendo NES
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64

SEGA Dreamcast
SEGA Genesis
SEGA Saturn
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