Thats quite a policy.....
I think games that are over a certain threshhold of sales #'s should never be permanently retired.
Thats basically making this service obsolete depending on the games a person plays.
Not a fair scenario.
At the very least some resources should be sticky posted on the trainer page for people to continue using the CH engine / cosmos in some way.
Of course this is the same thing everyone else has already posted, so I'm just adding another +1 here to that.
I think games should be released tested, fully working, and not needing people to pay for them and then playtest them and provide quality control and bug finding 5 years later.
Still patching in June.. like 3 days ago. I'd have likely had to spend 4-5 hours TWICE this month on this old toon, and for what? They added some bubbles animation to some water or maybe they fixed finally a balance issue from 3 years ago. No idea, but we don't have endless programmers and endless time.
This game is also massive changes to code each patch, so it's not like it's a 10 minute thing to update.
When we drop a title, the title deserves it.