Trainer Battle
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    Caliber posted on Apr 11, 2020 12:42:47 PM - Report post
    originally posted by Drayke

    The attached screenshot what I see when I load up Vermintide 2. It's currently on 2.3. I have it set on DX11 - if I keep the bubble checked for official realm I can not use the trainer at all. Only when going into modded realm can I use the trainer. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong if you claim that the trainer still works.

    If I try to use the MKE I of course get encounter with the error that I must close the Kernel before launching the game and it will close. (I am aware of the issue here with MKE.) Like it doesn't seem that difficult to do but for whatever reason it's not working for me and I can not figure out why.

    Could be over looking something or I'm a dummy. lol I don't know.

    Not sure if this causing any of my issues - the Trainer is for 2.2 and 2.3 is out so I am not sure if that's an issue either.

    [Edited by Drayke, 4/8/2020 4:34:48 PM]Link

    [Edited by Drayke, 4/8/2020 4:35:29 PM]

    "Only when going into modded realm can I use the trainer. So I am not sure what I am doing wrong if you claim that the trainer still works."

    you just proved my point. The trainer works with the game. PERIOD.

    The reason you cannot use it on non-modded realms at the time is because YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM HAS BEEN HIJACKED AND MODIFIED AT ROOTKIT LEVEL BY EASY ANTI CHEAT DRIVER. I gave you a program that allows you to fix ROOKIT VIRUSES and to FIX YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM BACK TO NORMAL. Unfortunately, Easy Anti Cheat has now blocked almost ALL software that you can use to identify rootkit, kernel modification of your OWN OPERATING SYSTEM on your OWN COMPUTER and to fix it.

    The trainer continues to work. If you can FIX YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM BACK TO NORMAL where it's been hijacked by a GAME DRIVER, the trainer will work. I offered you a program that worked to do that. That has NOTHING to do with my trainer. The trainer works. The trainer and pretty much anything else is BLOCKED because your OPERATING SYSTEM has BEEN HIJACKED to BLOCK it's normal operation. Normal Windows API calls are BLOCKED at the OPERATING SYSTEM KERNEL LEVEL. Programs you can use to FIX THIS or UNDO IT, are ALSO BLOCKED. You are playing a video game that is using software to jack up your operating system. My trainer isn't doing that, and we are not in the business of writing software to undo kernel level rootkit activity. I suggest you contact the game developers, EAC, the developer of WKE, and also let Microsoft know you are not too keen about something hijacking your operating system and not letting you undo it. Likely you will fall on deaf ears, but either way, the trainer continues to work.

    The big problem here, is that morons took our trainer or other mods, and began to play ONLINE with it, with other humans. The developers should allow OFFLINE progression in this game, but they don't. So it's a combination of idiots playing online with others and ruining the multiplayer experience with cheats, and aggravating and tyrannical decisions by developers to try and lump their game into mostly and online multiplayer experience but tack on single player as an after thought, and lock the entire thing up with a kernel level anti cheat. It CAN be defeated, actually, quite easily, by people who create their own anti cheat driver and keep it personal. But we are not in the business of doing that, and frankly the way this anti cheat works is mostly by signature of other drivers that are, in fact, fixing back your operating system to how it normally works.

    We've had a zillion AAA games come out since this vermintide 2 game came out, that lets people play offline, without EAC, and progress in the game earning things THEY PAID FOR, all alone at home, with mods, and etc. ITS A VIDEO GAME, NOT THE STOCK MARKET. Many of you will never see or experience end game content or play the game as "you like" because the developers have made this game a long, grind, with rng that may make you just turn it off. ITS YOUR GAME YOU PAID FOR on YOUR MACHINE with YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM, right? Or is it?


    If you want to play online with others with our trainer. DONT. And frankly I am glad you cannot. I wish the developers had done something to allow you to play it alone and not even GO ONLINE without EAC. If you want to play ALONE and progress using our trainer, then you have to recover your operating system back to normal while the game is active. EAC is blocking the use of tools that allow you to do this. We have no control over this, and can only suggest tools to you. We didn't write it, and we don't have any control over what EAC blocks or not. It's abuse all the way around, people abusing online gameplay, and then developers abuse the average gameplayer by using draconian, kernel level drivers that tie up CPU cycles, jack up your kernel, blocks you from using software you own on your own computer unless they "white list" it, and causes all manner of delays running, compatability with other things running at kernel level (i.e. drivers of graphics, antivirus, etc.) all for a VIDEO GAME. It's ridiculous, but that's where we are in 2020 with video games and developers of video games who have elevated themselves to think that their games are so important that they need to go to this level.

    My suggestion to them for inevitable Vermintide 3, either go full on central server for everything (including each member's health), or have a true offline single player mode that has progression and doesn't use EAC. Otherwise we go back and forth with this. The true multiplayer focused hackers out there are going to win this, every time, and all you are doing is forcing this kernel level anticheat to become more draconian, more insinuated into people's operating systems as it ratchets up. I for one, cannot wait until some driver this game company has put with a game, that is weaponized and made to be used as a virus, and a virus that cannot be easily removed or fixed because it blocks all the tools people use to defeat kernel level and rootkit viruses.

    If I need to retire this title, then so be it. We supported this game through a zillion patches, episodes, anticheats, and etc. The TRAINER STILL WORKS. You are blocked, for the time being, going online and playing with others and getting loot, unless you can undo the kernel level manipulations with a tool like WKE, which may be blocked temporarily right now.

    I have no control over any of that.


    Trainer Creator