Hey Same. Necrons would be nice. I would be hoping for SOB. Honestly I want a new expansion with SOB. They aren't including much in the DoW2 series or are mentioned at all. I also would like to see some Necrons (If not in this one) in the next expansion or DoW3.
My guess is, they will include all of the races eventually. If you played the old DOW 1 games as I did and still do, you will notice they started with the Space Marines, then added the Imperial Guard and so on until they ended the series. They aren't exactly following the same proceedure with the DOW 2 series but it is similiar enough to see they seem to be heading in the same direction. If I'm right, these will be included in future expansions which of course we'll have to buy and spend more money on, and then hope the darn things work right. DOW 2 has a habit of not working as well as DOW 1 games. But then you know no company is going to give us anything free. They might let you think so, but they aren't. I think we will get all of the old races eventually...though how long this will take I have no idea. I do love the Retribution game, the best yet. But I like DOW 1 games and their set up a lot better.
Woo! Is anyone looking forward to this game as much as me!? New units,New campaigns,AND A NEW RACE! Its probably going to be Imperial Guard.But some Necrons would be nice.
I am bit dissapointed since instead of Tau or Necrons, we only get another HUMAN races... Tau or Necrons is 1000 times better especially since there are many rumour that this is the LAST exp for DoW 2... so sad
space marine isnt comming out same time as dow it will be at leaste summer 2011 before we see it
but with the I in Retribution me thinks its gonna be imperial anyway the new army
I really could care less when they come out with more Space Marine games. DOW 2 should have been titled Space Marines 2. THQ, Relic and whomsoever, seem to have Space Marines on the brain. True we can now play any race in Retribution but I wish they had included a single player skirmish mode. And who knows how long this will last? Next game...more Space Marines. I like the Space Marines, but I would rather use Imperial Guard. I for one favor human players, instead of genetically created cyborgs who are half human, half computer and half machine.