Eldar and Ork campaigns have been confirmed.
Space marine campaign confirmed, see Loop's link.
oh and this little (spoiler for chaos rising) bit:
We have campaigns for 6 races
- Space Marines
- Chaos Space Marines
- Eldar
- Orkzzzz
- Tyranids
- Imperial Guard
You can buy individual race pack from stores and support your chosen race, doom it or save it. Or you can be like me and hope that you get your hands on Dawn of War 2: Retribution - Collectors Edition with all 6 races in it. North American customers can already pre-order Collectors Edition from THQ Store for 40$.
Boy im so ****ed at THQ right now. Real nice of them to limit the CE only to THQstore which only ships to US.
I hope they later make it available a bit more broader than that.
[Edited by Kuolonen, 1/14/2011 3:57:47 AM]