the ingame cheats r now crashing my game ^_^
Run the game in dx7 because it just flows better that way. (I don't have an epic computer lol) Hope that helps.
[Edited by crsojo, 8/27/2010 11:51:34 AM]
A new trainer would be a lot better, but what they do need to do is add something like a troop adder because it gets annoying waiting to hire new guys.
there are a few mods out there that automate the recruitment task... i personally like the diplomacy bundle mod as it adds some new items, and actually treaties.
you can find it here.
I'm sure they're working on it. The game is $10 on Steam right now, and that means that there are a lot of newbies looking for a trainer! (Like me!)
It sucks how many times they've updated this game, and how many times CH have had to update the trainer. I hope they didn't get fed up with it one version before I bought the game, 'cause that would suck. LOL
Thanks in advance, CH rocks...
I really hate those Auto-Updates! The guys at CheatHappens are the BEST at getting the most(and sometimes only found here)up-to-date trainers out there, but sometimes you can do it yourself,