Hi im just wondering have you thought of Payment by sms or something you know for like buying the Trainers you want Without being a Unl-member just a thought (for the more poor ppl like me)
Btw the reason i ask is kinda lame but .. here goes I dont have a Crdit card That works on the net its for electronic use only (that kinda 2 bad)
Solution to your problem..
1. Get a real credit card or debit card
2. Get a job to add money into bank
3. Become Unlimited or yearly subscriber
4. Or ask daddy to loan credit card
5. Repeat #3
6. enjoy
Please don't be sarcastic some people don't want anything to do with credit or debit cards.I happen to be going through hard times and are facing bankruptcy and it worries me in the future you will need a card just to buy games available online.So please think before you make fun of somebody.
I never meant to poke fun at anyone. I'm just saying it's how its going to be. Also before you start posting anything about payment you should check Faq's and this topic should be moved. To most people if you manage your finance correctly CC and Debt card can bring great benefits thus people use them.
[Edited by kumu, 8/23/2010 7:14:21 PM]