I'm playing as Prussia, i try to stay off Austrias radar for as long as possible, but at one point i wanna annex Bavaria, or maybe even get territory from Austria, but they just Blitz me, literally maybe 20 armies, consisting of maybe 600k or 700k total, i cant beat those guys, but i want their territory !!!!! grrrr, lol.
Does any1 have any tips ?
Alternatively, then if you want to settle for peace with them then use the "tag" option of consolecheats, ie:
1) Pause the game
2) Send them a peace offer
3) Get up the console (either by the top left button ((§½ - I have a scandinavian keyboard so I cant do it)) or alternatively by pressing: Left Alt, Num 2 and Num 1.
4) Then write: tag [country]
Where country is a 3-letter code, for instance PRU for Prussia or SWE for Sweden.
5) THEN accept the offer as the other country
6) THEN switch back yoo your original country by using the TAG cheat again.
Its a little too easy to do all the time, but good of you really need it to get on...
[Edited by nick_bang, 8/20/2010 3:46:39 AM]