i just tested it and it worked perfectly the first time i did it. the code for this didn't change AT ALL from the previous patch.
here are some possible explanations why it didn't work for you:
1) running this trainer along side the normal trainer (i tested with both running simulatanouesly with no problems but i *suppose* they could interfere with one another if you ran one after the other or something)
2) the numbers might not change immediately after press of key. you might have to kill something or run into something to see that they have changed.
3) not activating the trainer at menu (i.e. before you enter the arcade game). trainer wont work if you wait to activate it AFTER you enter the arcade.
pwizard will test this as well to make sure, but it worked for me here. i don't have anything to 'fix'.
Hai! Thanks for your reply Caliber. I did all the above and just like meklar2000 wrote in his post, nothing happens. I hope pwizard will find a solution to the problem ^^
The main trainer works in Lost Viking as well. Just activate the indestructible option. Your ship is indestructible but any drones you pick up, max 2, can die. To maximize your score pick up 2 drones and get the wide shot option. You can clear 100% as long as you keep one drone alive and don't switch gun mode by picking up laser. Also activating mega damage makes boss battles a breeze.
Aye, the "normal trainer" works fine. Thanks koreanbear ^^