ChillieD0g posted on Aug 03, 2010 11:17:06 PM - Report post
why on earth did you lock up the subject for the trainer? does that mean u can't create one or what? there has got to be something out there to break into the program and mod either the person's score or something to that nature. 🤔
OlinJ posted on Dec 16, 2010 9:04:23 PM - Report post
You can inflate your score by tagging a different song to match the same one the person you can't dethrone holds the top spot on. It's outright dirty pool, but that's how simple it is to "cheat" in Audiosurf. The only downside is that your cheated score may be subjected to moderation but the moderation queue there seems to be prioritized toward tracks that are popular (visible from the main page, etc.) and the more obscure stuff, when reported, will probably sit in queue for weeks, months or years even and even then there's no guarantee anyone will ever get around to addressing it.