i've never been much of a fan of racing games..of any kind. way too boring and almost a linear learning curve makes them quite avoidable..for me. but seeing that u're brave enough to try makes me want to try it too. so....if u were to pick just one of the two..which would it be? just one.
I guess I answered that on my last sentence - Split/Second.
i've never been much of a fan of racing games..of any kind. way too boring and almost a linear learning curve makes them quite avoidable..for me. but seeing that u're brave enough to try makes me want to try it too. so....if u were to pick just one of the two..which would it be? just one.
I guess I answered that on my last sentence - Split/Second.
Yeah no doubt about it, if i were to pick one too it would just have to be Split/Second