works on my UK steam version, can take up to 20 seconds after pressing F1 to hear activated and I do need to sometimes press 7 for more money a few times but if definitely works.
[Edited by mme8, 6/3/2010 2:32:22 PM]
doesn't work at all for the us version of steam as soon as we hit f1 it locks the game up and we have to alt tab and close it.
PWiz I just sent you a link to the exe for the Steam version.
Having tried the noDVD fix, it doesn't work, as it's missing files, namely saAudit2005md.dll.
I get this problem when trying to run the APgame.exe found in the file called, "_PatchBackup". The APlauncher an everything else works fine though. Any thoughts on what the problem is? (other than the inability to find saAudit2005MD.dll)
[Edited by hattrick, 12/11/2010 5:49:58 PM]