Making History: The Calm & The Storm Message Board
Our Making History: The Calm & The Storm Trainer is now available and supports RETAIL.
Our Making History: The Calm & The Storm message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Arcaan posted on Mar 31, 2010 5:40:13 PM - Report post
So I am unlimited member. I downloaded the latest trainer for The gold Edition for The Calm and the Storm it matches the version of the game. I start the trainer then start the game. Start a scenario. I push F1 and hear activated and I push the numbers and hear the voice saying they are on. I then End turn and they don't work. For example I did the arms and goods one first. Ended tern My Arms and Goods still went down. I did the money one and ended turn. my Money and treasury still went farther into the negative red. Can anyone confirm this is working because I don't think it is.