I forgot, before you edit the text, make a backup first. Who knows what will happen if you edit it with mistakes.
Using the Mass Effect 2 Coalesced Compiler; Edit the BIOInput.ini - Find the Line "[SFXGame.SFXGameModeBase]" or "[SFXGame.SFXGameModeDefault]"
Then input below "[SFXGame.SFXGameModeBase]" or "[SFXGame.SFXGameModeDefault]" the following lines:
Bindings=( Name="F1", Command="SetParagon 2000" )
Bindings=( Name="F1", Command="SetParagon 0",Control=True,Shift=False,Alt=False )
Bindings=( Name="F2", Command="SetRenegade 2000" )
Bindings=( Name="F2", Command="SetRenegade 0",Control=True,Shift=False,Alt=False )
You can adjust the value you want by replacing the "2000" with the quantity you want. And I want to iterate the above quote, and it's importance.