Its like ordering your all time favourite pizza, but then it came in a different shape, topping and taste, but stay the same name. Would you be ****ed off ? I know I would.
yes, but if they advertised that your new pizza was going have a different shape, topping and taste, but you didnt bother to check before hand, then whos fault is that
Listen, you can try to justify it all you want. I read the forums on the homepage for CNC a few months back. It is full to the top of threads saying how much the new system was going to suck out loud. It's not anyone on this forums fault that EA royally screwed the CNC universe at large with this pathetic travesty they call a game.
Now, I for one would like nothing less than the complete and utter annihilation of EA games all together. Also, if someone could tie Sam Bass up and throw his stupid, hobbit looking arse to the overly muscled, extremely homosexual prison population that would also put a smile on my face.
This series was raped, hard, and without any lubricant. This disgusting little turd of a game is an affront to the the entire series. Yes, it ruins the story. Yes, EA knew what kind of P.O.S. that they were putting out and, No, they don't care that they are runing a series with more than 15 years of lore and history.