Haha, wow, it seems infinite ammo gives enemy rocket troops infinite rockets. They fire back to back to back with no end. It's more amusing than anything else. Thanks for the trainer guys, keep up the great work.
Edit: I'm fairly sure it was option 2.
[Edited by OracleShadow, 3/1/2010 4:09:58 PM]
Haha, yeah, ain't it a b**** xD The infinite ammo option might give enemies infinite ammo for their rocket launchers, but i think the option you're speaking of is the "No Reload" one :P Just turn it of in "enemies-with-rocket-launcher-areas" and you'll be able to actually see them instead of hundreds of missiles and explosions covering your screen
i noticed this in the second(?) level where you first face a tank and that T80U was spitting out 120mm shells like a mini gun.
there was practically nothing left of the small village by the time i'd realised and turned it off.