i personally think the game outright sucks.
Modern Warfare 2 is WAY better.
Not worth a single penny in my opinion, it should be freeware.
I don't know about single play, but multiplay is WAY better than COD:MW2, dedicated servers for the win !
Well, battlefield series is known for multiplayer rather single.
Modern warfare 2 was a joke paid more for less
Amen, Modern Warfare 2 was a joke, I like Bad Company way better.
That was the last time i spent $50 for any Call of Duty games. I'm done with them.
I found that BFBC2 had a decent storyline but corny dialogues and MW2 just had a bunch of gunfight throughout the SP. At times, I often play MW2 SP more than BFBC2 because its more like jump into action without too many scripted moments.
That is kinda true but still it is awesome game.