I could never actually finish ME a 2nd time. Well... I did, but only after about a 6 month break and only starting up again from half way through.
I dunno what it is... it's a great game, don't get me wrong. But I can never finish it through like I can ME2. I think it's Novaria... I always seem to stop playing it after just starting Novaria...
The missions on the planets can get a bit dull from time to time. I breathed a big sigh of relief the moment I managed to finish all the side missions. And I agree with you, it's gonna be great to be able to play all of the Mass Effect games without big time intervals.
Personally I'm a bit worried about ME3, I mean I hope all loose ends are tied up, otherwise I think the trilogy bit might be gone with the wind.
The game is on my desk but im too lazy to install it.
wish i could do it for ya..but i'm a bit lazy too.