Regarding the Mega Trainer, Super Health, Super Squad Health, E....
Posted this as a blog before I figured out that a blog was not a post.
I have no gun control at all, nothing, my biotic powers still work and I just finished the dead collector ship episode without me firing a weapon at all! But there were times I would have liked to.
Have trainer in ME2 prgrams x64 folder? Should it be elswhere like in my docs.?
Trainer did give the 'activated message'. and 99 squad points worked fine.
What did I do wrong.
I found the problem in bindings but not before I re-installed the whole shebang and somehow the key bindings I had tampered with to change left click (which I never realized I had done!) Survived the unstallion and reinstallation of me2 and addons, Like just too smart and totally confusung for moi!
But I figured out in ened. I did try to get a copy of the coalasced. ini file but became exasperated and not until I had done the whole thing did I realize that it was on disc2..
[Edited by Micon2, 2/15/2010 7:42:21 PM]