Has anyone tried the "Shot Him" option ??? On my first playthrough I punched him ... and the second time I was hitting "X" too fast and chose the top Paragon option ... totally wanted to shoot him ...
You shoot him in the foot... it's rather amusing but he gets over it a little too quickly and you get into the regular conversation you'd have with him whatever option you choose, then it's never mentioned again.
Thanks a bunch Skyheart, i'll put this too good use , i haven't gotten far in the game but i get these things from wiki mass effect just to be on the safe side .
Don't thank me until we know if it works or not
Oh, by the way, that trick will have to be used on a game save you're going to import... so, either an ME1 save you're going to import to start a new game, or on an ME2 finished game you're going to use to start a new game+.
You have to edit the save, then go into the game and load that save, then save the game in a new slot... then use that new save to start a new game.
Basically just editing the save doesn't update the file ME2 uses for importing a character, so if you don't go in to the game and create a new save you'll find your imported character has the same stats/details as before you edited it.
[Edited by Skyheart, 2/16/2010 8:51:25 PM]