1.011 Trainer applies 1000 Tac slots and Log Slots to same all of the same planet type regardless of faction.
[Edited by Althalus, 4/5/2010 4:54:55 PM]
did the trainer always, in all versions.
But the minidumping problem is more anoying
And im running out of possibilities, maybe a minor error in the trainer.
Yup distant stars ftw
[Edited by silentbob981988, 6/6/2011 8:17:20 AM]
Wargh, stupid me, trainer is now called sose-username.exe not ssed-username.exe *starts the table->head movement*
Sorry for thinking of any errors in the trainer.
[Edited by silentbob981988, 6/10/2011 1:25:55 AM]