Please read to the end before editing!
It took me a while to get it, but here it is:
- first of all, back up your savegame before editing;
- then open your savegame with the hex editor;
- go to View-Options in the upper Menu;
- make sure that "Typing replaces selection" is checked;
And now to the editing itself: I only changed the max hull (thus having kind of a godmode cheat) and the speed of the ship. To do so, you have to change by trial and error the values in the sixth row (the 00000050 one).
I say by trial and error, because the values are not located in the same place for all the ships.
So, for the first value (mine is 00), type 99.
Save, then enter the game, and load the just-edited savegame.
Go to Dockyard, and see if there were any changes to the max hull. If so, all is good. If not, go to the main menu of the game.
Alt-Tab to the hex editor, change the 99 back to the previous value, and change the next value (there are 16 values in a row) to 99; go back to the game, load your save, and so on until you see the first change (you should have about 3 million to your max hull).
Then, Alt-Tab again to the hex editor and change the following value to 99 too (and by "following" i mean the value right after the one that changed your max hull).
This way, you shoud have something like this: "...00 03 99 99 00..."
Now, you should do the same for speed. On the same row, after the max hull values, is the speed value. Go through the same trial and error process, and when you find it you should change it to no more than 28 (giving you a speed of aprox. 40). If you make it bigger than this, it will be really hard to control the ship.
This was it. I hope that this was useful. Have a nice game!