I have completed the game and i was hoping to get the other beginnings open, as when you chose human > Class > other than noble. Is there a way inside the game to get them open or they are download-able content?
There are a limited number of combinations for the origin story, class, and race. For instance, the human class can only see the Noble or Circle of Magi origin story and Dwarves can only be Warriors or Rogues but not Mages. I have listed all possible combinations below:
Human -> Mage -> Magi
Human -> Warrior -> Human Noble
Human -> Rogue -> Human Noble
Elf -> Mage -> Magi
Elf -> Warrior -> City Elf
Elf -> Warrior -> Dalish Elf
Elf -> Rogue -> City Elf
Elf -> Rogue -> Dalish Elf
Dwarf -> Warrior -> Dwarf Commoner
Dwarf -> Warrior -> Dwarf Noble
Dwarf -> Rogue -> Dwarf Commoner
Dwarf -> Rogue -> Noble
As for the DLC, certain vendors included unique items such as weapons and armor, which are good, but not THAT great. However, the DLC missions ARE worth getting as one missions gives you what is now my favorite companion, and the other gives you access to the best armor/weaponsmith in the game (not including the unique armor you can get from Wade if you do the scale quests).
Where do you have to go to get Starfang?
I know you have to have the Warden's Keep DLC, which I do, but some websites say that you have to get a random battle to happen to where a crater appears and you bring the fragment to the smith at the peak. I haven't had this happen to me, and some other sites just say that after a random amount of time that Starfang just appears in the smiths inventory of items to sell.
Which one is true?
Well I'm not sure how much of the game I had completed but I know it was real early in the game. But I had a random encounter where the crater appeared and I picked up some meteor rock and took it to the armorer who fashioned it into Starfang.