It's not going to be released for PC...
That's not news. Microsoft paid 50 million for exclusive DLC. We've known this ever since GTA IV first came out.
Microsoft is ALL about customer care.
That really, really annoys me...
yeah.. only for x box..
what about games for windows F 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 live ???
[Edited by dragos12345, 9/10/2009 6:20:48 AM]
Microsoft is ALL about customer care.
That really, really annoys me...
Ah,yeah.That's really annoying.It's even worse when an Xbox game comes out for PC,but it sucks big time,not even comparable to the original game.Exon't you remember FATAL ERRORs in GTA IV?
@Vonny:there are a few new thing,BTW GTA IV was bull**** w/o the ol' good thing,wasn't it?