Regarding the Trainer 1.6.7, Get Billions of Dollars, Increase P....
While I understand that a mass-research-unlocking feature seems more useful, it turns out not to be the case. Yet another example of this game being difficult to hack.
Mass-enabling of research options does not actually enable the in-game benefits for many of the technologies. The most glaring examples I've run into are the Trade Screen not being active and Translations not taking effect.
In the best case, the trainer would simply(!) be fixed to fully enable the benefits of all the research. I realize that may well be impossible (or at least impractical).
The second-best (and probably easiest) option would be to have both the old (1-Turn Research Completion) and the new (Unlock All Research) options available.
Third-best would be to revert to the old behaviour and ditch the idea of unlocking all research simultaneously.
Worst-case is... well, what we have right now. No, that's not quite true - no trainer at all would be much worse. But the current implementation of the research cheat is not nearly as useful at it seems like it would (and should) be.