the trainer option only works when you have exactly 500 credits; regardless of whether its a campaign mission or a scenario.
so wouldnt it be possible to manually enter the credits?
what i mean could look like this:
i go into the building browser, press numpad 9 and hear "activated". now i have lets say 5 seconds to enter my current credits via the numpad, so for example i have 450 credits so i press numpad 4 5 0; after a while i hear "deactivated" again and the trainer now knows my current credits and can modify this value instead of the standard 500.
edit: i just tried the cheat in the campaign mission badlands, as it seems to be the only mission where you can buy helicopters: after you capture the first city and the hq is deployed, get your cash to exactly 500 (buy / sell weapons / ammo / something). as soon as you hit 500, follow the trainers instructions and there you go, lots and lots of cash...
[Edited by MrWonderful, 7/20/2009 11:13:18 AM]
Yes! after you posted (and before your edit) I came up with the same idea, with a bit of messing around its possible to get your credits to exactly 500, pause it and run it.
Thanks for coming up with the idea dude, smart thinking indeed
Also good idea on having a custom value, Cali+Pwiz might want to include this on their trainer engine for future games