it is legit. Though it's not "1.4" - it's a small 1.3 hotfix. Steam updated my ETW and it actually works now (been crashing for 3 weeks straight), but now CH's 1.3 trainer doesn't work.
I knew about the hotfix. I didn't really think 1.4 was out so soon but a few people on Steam had commented about getting it, and one had a torrent link, which I didn't bother to check. I was offering it more as a reason why The Crew would take some time before making a new trainer in case there was a 1.4 coming as well.
Either way it's good we`ll get the trainer when they make it and it will be quality like always , especially when given the time to make it right. Keep up the good work guys.
[Edited by Poblagonell, 7/11/2009 5:27:47 AM]