Allright so, most of you guys might not know this, so therefore i'm sharing it.
Link This is a link to a site where people hack the maps, so this is basically for people who host games.
A guy who calls him selv Dekar made the triggers, and just to prove that this is actually real:
Link This is a thread i made on the site, where i request to get Vamp Fire Remix ver 8.1 'hacked'.
If you decide to try this map out:
You can just type -list x (1-9) to get various commands you can use, allthrough allways remember the -.
Anyway i know alot of you people out there playing custom maps in Warcraft 3 probably knows Undead Assault as famous RPG slaughtering game.
heres the link:
Link The 'Spoiler' window shows all the commands.
allthough heres a list of unit spawn IDs:
Marine Id:
rifleman: h009
navycorpsman: h019
flamethrower: h00V
detachment commander: h00A
Designated Marksman: h01E
sentry gun: h004
combat engineer: h017
Assaultman: h01D
Machine Gunner: H00E
apc: h00B
h-36: h01B
m3: h00G
Hero Id:
Machine Gunner: H001
Rifleman: H000
Grenadier: H011
Detachment commander:H00J
Flamethrower: H00U
Navycorpsman: H00C
Global Hawk: h00K
Assault man: H00D
Ghost: H00I
Forward Observer: H008
Cyborg: H00P
Scout: H011
combat Engineer: H00N
Designated Marksman: H00H
Heavy Support: H00R
Civile Id:
Police officer shotgun:h009
Police officer pistol :h018 < Doesn't work.
women: n001
male: n008
child: n004
You just type:
-unit - this enables the -spawn feature
Target a unit (your starter unit)
-spawn (unit id)
These Credits goes to i just used tool they gave me to discover more.