yeah she does!
It's sometimes anoying when I'm watching cutscenes
Don't know why but I guess that's just how Yuna is
I think she had blue/green eyes in X too
Yea I noticed in X that she had eyes like that. That happens to real people too, and certain breeds of dogs.
has anyone here noticed that yuna has one blue eye and one green eye?
She has heterochromia, most likely as a result of being half Spiran and half Al Bhed.
It's similar to Seymour Guado having regular nails on one hand and typical long, thick Guado nails on the other. If you didn't notice that before now, watch the FMV in Bevelle where his hands are on Yuna's shoulders.
Actually, that FMV proves that both got wierd genes, since you can see Yuna's eyes too...
[Edited by FFQueen92, 5/13/2009 12:25:47 PM]