Thanks for all that great tech support for trainers you make us pay to have, cheathappens.
Literally dozens of different people post here to tell you your trainer doesn't work, but you just can't be bothered, evidently.
This trainer is retired. The staff are no longer making adjustments or updates to this trainer. There are many possible reasons for this but the most likely is that the game continued to update long after the game was released and the developers needed to focus their attention and efforts onto more recent releases.
Also, if money is an issue, CHU offers an authorship program. Write and have a guide accepted of acceptable length and you are rewarded with Unlimited status at no charge. There are tutorials on FAQ/Guide writing found here: Link written by myself and moderator Neo7.
Hope this helps!
[Edited by Bes, 6/24/2013 1:18:43 AM]