I also vote for an updated trainer. Thank you HonestGamer for your suggestion that we tackle making a trainer ourselves but.... 🤔 I would not bring my shoes to be fixed by a tailor and I would not bring my clothes to be mended by a shoe maker. That being said.... ....I am not a trainer maker nor do play one on television so I will not pretend to know what I am doing and will leave the trainer making to the professionals at cheat happens.
Daddy did not suggest that you make your own trainer.
Just boot up CoSMOS or something like it, search for how much cash you have, keep searching until you narrow it down, and change it to whatever you want. As easily said as done.
This is not "training", because a trainer would automatically search/detect the right adresses (because it changes every time) and then automatically apply the results. Using CoSMOS you have to search for it yourself every time, and you'll have to do it all over again every time you boot up the game or change levels or w/e.
It's repetitive and sometimes slow, that's why a trainer is superior to this method. It's just an alternative.