Hi everybody,
I created this topic to speak about things, that happened to you during the game, which were abnormal, like meeting strong mutants anywhere where you wouldn´t expect them to appear...
Well I start with that, that I met a controller on my way out of Yantar, to say it another time, not the controller in the lab, I mean another one. Was a very nice surprise for me :-)
When I finished the mission to get documents from laboratory X 18, I went to kill all that army soldiers and instead of going to Kordon, I went the way to Scrapyard and guess who I met?!
A poltergeist and a pseudogiant are crossing my way
Well, I just wonder how something like that works...
After that I went searching for artefacts and I found a guitar and a radio...but what to do with that...
I didn´t sell this things yet...ok the radio cannot be selled, I tried and it didn´t work...
Waiting for your experiences :-)
A lot of changes have been taken place in updated version I think.
I found Poltergeist in wild terrotiry once.
mutant rats in Yanter...
But... excuse me, are you guys talking about modded S.T.A.L.K.E.R?