Saints Row two is to Grand Theft Auto four what Wii is to Sony Playstation 3.
Yeah? Care to explain that? Or are you just a fanboi? (I think probably the latter.)
Look, there's no point coming to the SR2 boards and going "Such-and-such game other than SR2 is the best" in ANY form... you're just trying to get something started. Now please, let's demonstrate a little, just a little maturity (I know it's tough..) and NOT try to start a flame-war over which game is better. I'm open to DISCUSSION, but that requires POINTS to back up your OPINION.
IMO the only way SR2 fails in comparison for game-play is the fact that in GTAIV ANY pistol shot to the face/head will 1-shot an enemy unless they're wearing a helmet (E.G.: SWAT guys) where in SR2 the crappy pistol won't kill with a single head-shot.
Carjackings: are comparable... practically the same
Car handling: better in GTAIV, but not good in either game
Main Story: WAY better in SR2
Distractions/Activities: In SR2 these are side-games... that give you bonuses.. in GTAIV these are your "friends" calling you every 10 minutes wanting you to waste time hanging out with them for absolutely no gain or reward.
Graphics: Still looks OK in SR2, a little dated but that's all... GTAIV is prettier, but so unoptimized you've gotta have an $8,000 Alien-Ware rig to run it on Medium-High settings.
Weapons: SR2 has MORE of them... especially melee weapons... GTAIV has a knife... and a bat.. and what? Plus Hand-To-Hand is better in SR2 'cause you have combos with their own special camera, and 4 different melee styles (that I found).
Missions: GTAIV has a bunch more contacts allowing for a LOT more missions total. However it's less sandbox than SR2 because the contacts get unlocked as you move forward in the story. Once you complete the prologue in SR2 all the mission lines are available with the exception of Ultor.
I could continue but I feel like I've made a pretty good point. All in all I feel SR2 is just a better game. Just my opinion, but I will fight fiercly against general comments like "GTAIV is better." I feel if someone wants to say that 1 game of a genre is better than another of the same, they should offer up reasons why.
lol i got a pc that costs about idk 700$ and it plays gta 4 on high