Yep originally GTA 4 wanst gonna be for PC, a year later it was released, same with halo years back. Im guessing it will be the same situation here aswell.
The reason for realeasing the PC game one year after is because so many download the game Illegale. (It is posible to download for PS3 and Xbox to (not sure about xbox and how it work) but not many people does that.
so if all thoose people that downlaod the game stopped it the pc game would release the same date as on ps3 and all thoose consoles.
Yep originally GTA 4 wanst gonna be for PC, a year later it was released, same with halo years back. Im guessing it will be the same situation here aswell.
The reason for realeasing the PC game one year after is because so many download the game Illegale. (It is posible to download for PS3 and Xbox to (not sure about xbox and how it work) but not many people does that.
so if all thoose people that downlaod the game stopped it the pc game would release the same date as on ps3 and all thoose consoles.
Nope, sorry. You, sir, are wrong. The PC version has released 6 months to a year later than the console version ever since the release of the PS2. Look up release dates for the PC vs Console on GTA games. I believe GTA2 was the last one that came out on PC first. In-fact IIRC GTAIII released on PS2 about 6-7 months before the PC version released. This was before Piracy was anywhere near as prevalant as it is now. Rockstar just like crapping on PC users.
Yep originally GTA 4 wanst gonna be for PC, a year later it was released, same with halo years back. Im guessing it will be the same situation here aswell.
The reason for realeasing the PC game one year after is because so many download the game Illegale. (It is posible to download for PS3 and Xbox to (not sure about xbox and how it work) but not many people does that.
so if all thoose people that downlaod the game stopped it the pc game would release the same date as on ps3 and all thoose consoles.
Nope, sorry. You, sir, are wrong. The PC version has released 6 months to a year later than the console version ever since the release of the PS2. Look up release dates for the PC vs Console on GTA games. I believe GTA2 was the last one that came out on PC first. In-fact IIRC GTAIII released on PS2 about 6-7 months before the PC version released. This was before Piracy was anywhere near as prevalant as it is now. Rockstar just like crapping on PC users.
Actually it was originally because of a deal with Sony. Sony got every GTA as a timed exclusive hence the wait.
When Microsoft made the deal to get the III,VC, and SanAn on the XBox they also made a deal to get GTA4 for the 360, exclusive DLC and the PC version Games For Windows LIVE. They spent $50 Million on this.
Why the PC version was later is very simple. Microsoft wanted to push the game for holiday 07. then it got delayed and they used it to push summer sales. And with R* already working hard to finish the console versions as always the PC version is put on the back burner until the game is released and then they finish that up and get it out. That and microsoft wanted it later as well.
So don't blame Rockstar.
And as far as the DLC goes. Microsoft paid a lot of money for the exclusive rights and they're going to do with it what they like. because the PC version is LIVE any DLC MUST go through Microsoft and therefor if microsoft wants it to stay 360 only. thats how it's staying.