Call of Duty: World at War Message Board
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Call of duty all map name list. Part 3
posted on Nov 16, 2008 1:48:40 AM - Report post
mak "treescatteramount" "0.4" "treescatterintensity" "0.2" "sunlight" "0.75" "suncolor" "0.64 0.85 1" "sundirection" "-150 -50 0" "classname" "worldspawn" "diffusefraction" "0.15" "sundiffusecolor" "0.25 0.55 0.8" "ambient" "0.1" "_color" "0.5 0.5 0.7" "contrastgain" "0.35" "bouncefraction" "0.3" "sunisprimarylight" "1" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_mak1" "reflection_color_correction" "makin" oki2 "skyboxmodel" "skybox_oki2" "_color" "0.584314 0.713726 0.807843" "ambient" "0.2" "classname" "worldspawn" "diffusefraction" ".15" "northyaw" "90" "suncolor" "0.83 0.93 1" "sundiffusecolor" "0.73 0.83 0.9" "sundirection" "205 135 0" "sunlight" "1.2" oki3 "spawnflags" "16" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_oki3" "classname" "worldspawn" "northyaw" "90" "sunradiosity" "2" "diffusefraction" "0.2" "_color" "0.811765 0.858824 0.878431" "sunlight" "1" "sundirection" "210 205 0" "sundiffusecolor" "0.65098 0.745098 0.776471" "suncolor" "0.9176 0.8235 0.6352" "ambient" "0.05" pby_fly "spawnflags" "0" "classname" "worldspawn" "northyaw" "225" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_fly" "sundirection" "200 -50 0" "suncolor" "0.858824 0.886275 0.886275" "sunlight" "1" "sundiffusecolor" "0.184314 0.203922 0.239216" "diffusefraction" "0.35" "_color" "0.301961 0.301961 0.313726" "ambient" "0.2" pel1 "spawnflags" "1024" "waterdirection" "80" "classname" "worldspawn" "northyaw" "225" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_pel1" "sundirection" "-40.5026 38.2786 0" "suncolor" "1 0.9254 0.8627" "sunlight" "1" "sundiffusecolor" "0.255 0.34078 0.427451" "diffusefraction" "0.175" "_color" "0.245 0.231 0.2135" "ambient" "0.15" "sunradiosity" "1.3" "radiosityscale" ".75" "contrastgain" ".8" pel1a "script_area" "Mortarpit" "northyaw" "225" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_pel1" "sundirection" "208 142 0" "suncolor" "1 1 0.83" "sunlight" "1.22" "sundiffusecolor" "0.255 0.34078 0.427451" "diffusefraction" "0.175" "_color" "0.245 0.231 0.2135" "ambient" "0.15" "sunradiosity" "1.3" "radiosityscale" "1" "contrastgain" ".4" "classname" "worldspawn" pel1b "contrastgain" ".8" "radiosityscale" ".75" "sunradiosity" "1.3" "ambient" "0.25" "_color" "0.929412 0.843137 0.788235" "diffusefraction" "0.2" "sundiffusecolor" "0.764706 0.866667 0.94902" "sunlight" "1.7" "suncolor" "1 1 0.83" "sundirection" "328 224.039 0" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_pel1b" "northyaw" "225" "classname" "worldspawn" "spawnflags" "1" "script_forcespawn" "1" "origin" "201.6 -1054.6 184" "treescatterintensity" "0.7" "treescatteramount" "0.5" pel2 "sunlight" "1.3" "suncolor" "1 0.976471 0.882353" "sundirection" "-30 -340 0" "classname" "worldspawn" "diffusefraction" "0.25" "sundiffusecolor" "0.917647 0.945098 1" "ambient" "0.15" "_color" "1.000000 1.000000 0.501961" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_pel2" "spawnflags" "1024" "sunradiosity" "1.2" "radiosityscale" "1" "treescatterintensity" "0.8" "treescatteramount" "0.8" see1 "spawnflags" "512" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_see1" "sunradiosity" "2" "sunlight" "1.2" "sundirection" "-36 -55.39 0" "sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000" "suncolor" "0.984314 0.929412 0.823529" "radiosityscale" "1.5" "diffusefraction" "0.25" "ambient" ".15" "classname" "worldspawn" see2 "script_noteworthy" "radio tower bunker spawner" "classname" "worldspawn" "northyaw" "225" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_see2" "sundirection" "196 64 0" "suncolor" "1 1 0.88" "sunlight" "1.6" "sundiffusecolor" "0.807843 0.847059 0.882353" "diffusefraction" "0.13" "_color" "0.341176 0.470588 0.576471" "ambient" "0.15" sniper "reflection_color_correction" "sniper" "spawnflags" "0" "bouncefraction" ".2" "_color" "0.90 0.90 1" "contrastgain" "0.35" "sunradiosity" "1.5" "radiosityscale" "1" "sunlight" "1.2" "ambient" "0.2" "suncolor" "0.9 0.98 1" "sundirection" "-50 -215 0" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_sniper" "diffusefraction" "0.15" "sundiffusecolor" "0.9 0.92 1" "classname" "worldspawn" Co-op / Zombies nazi_zombie_protype "reflection_color_correction" "zombie" "skyboxmodel" "skybox_zombie" "sunisprimarylight" "1" "bouncefraction" "0.3" "contrastgain" "0.35" "_color" "0.5 0.5 0.7" "ambient" "0.1" "sundiffusecolor" "0.25 0.55 0.8" "diffusefraction" "0.15" "classname" "worldspawn" "sundirection" "-150 17 0" "suncolor" "0.64 0.85 1" "sunlight" "0.75"
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