I've been playing this since yesterday and it's Awesome level 7 all ready. Cops are aggresive so watch out, my fav was Most Wanted and the Hot Pursuits and this is just as good plus better graphics of course.
I enjoy it as well, I was like level 9... But Had to restart with the 2.1mill save game, because on my main file I had like 1k and couldn't really keep up with anyone XD; - My fave was Underground 2/1 :P Nothing has that...illegal street racing feel, I liked driving though G.P.S to the objectives, not pressing tab z.z;
NFS Undercover is not worth the money they ask for it, here in Sweden they want 499SKr for it and i whould never pay that much for a medioker game like this.
One thing that rely ****es me of is that we was not delivered what they did promise, to just take one example here...AI cars that still runs like they are driven on rails and you can't force them of the road like EA wrote and bragged about, the AI is exact the same as it has always been.
[Edited by Ceanou, 11/20/2008 6:19:02 AM]
umm... ive managed to run AI off the road several times....