Regarding the Cheats & Hints.
Hello everybody ! I find a solution to open the console with vista !
First why the 2 (at the left of the 1) don't work ?
It's because this letter is use by a driver. So when you press it the console can't open.
Second question how make opent the console ?
You go in your peripherique gestionner then you search periferique interface utilisater and finaly you find transmeter infrarouge microsoft.
You uninstall it, be carrefull it will be install to your next session or start of your computer.
Be carrefull of your screen resolution because during the game you will not see the console even if it will be open.
In conclusion this method would be good for all the game that the console can't open as oblivion ... etc
I think that this solution will be usefull to very lot a people.