i'm a hardcore Fallout 2 fan, and now that i've play Fallout 3 for 6 days, i've come to a clear conclusion...
NO GAME will ever ever EVER be as good to me then Fallout 2, nothing will even come close. why? because i played fallout 2 when i was a kid, and now that i'm older my imagination and innocent is pretty much shot.....and that's why I'm sorta disappointed with Fallout 3, not because it's a bad game or anything it's just that i thought it could re-spark those nostalgic feeling that i get whenever i replay Fallout 2 but in a new and better looking 3D environment, and new storyline. Sadly, Fallout 3 feel too much like a completely different game, it's a GREAT game, but it doesn't come close to what Fallout 2 was and still is.
i remember the first time i got dogmeat, to the first time i accidently Pancored Vic to pieces cause he stand just a bit to close between me and a pack of gecko. i remember the first time i become a pornstar or a boxing champ or even kill a kid cause he annoyed me, i even miss the long ass time it took for Goris to take off his damn robe...those were the days.
just my thought, i gotta go back to shooting mutants head off now.. but plz post your thoughts.
[Edited by tigerx87, 11/2/2008 8:05:24 PM]
I'll say this again. It won't be too long before someone will eventually mod the game to be just like Fallout 2 or even better. Just stay tuned and you will see. The Fallout 3 devs did a terrific job with this game though, but I agree, there is still a lot missing.
Well at least its something we can ramble to our grand kids about.
"Back in my day sonny, we didn't have those flashing virtual reality modules, no sir, we played on consoles and something called PCs, and although the graphics wasn't the best, at least the stories was fantastic"
With the rate things are going, Fallout 7 will be the new game during their time, if we dare talk about the 2nd one, we'll probably get burned for it :P
But yeah, as far as turn-based games go, Fallout 2 cannot be topped. It's kinda like natural selection, survival of the fittest. And gamers know how Fallout 2 still survives till today with that resolution and Restoration Project. Now, if we could only get the world of Fallout 2 implemented in Fallout 3....
Wait, is that a good way to use one of my 3 magic wishes?