FISKER_Q, I'm also having some funny side effects, when the trainer is active and I tele/walk/ride into their area they auto die and all hell breaks loose with everyone else who isn't dead coming after me.
sinthetic_tip, hopefully u saved before going in there, if not, good luck starting over. You should have your trainer on but have nothing enabled when u have to talk to someone, even if you only used teleport, best to save and then go talk to them.
Also teleport, doesn't always port me to where I saved at, sometimes it teles me to underneath it, and I start doing the WoW below Stormwind city and falling under the ground glitch. I think it isn't saving the height correctly, since I'm getting more teleported under ground and it just happens to be a huge river there so I drown, haha.
[Edited by slowpoke2, 10/22/2008 2:08:09 PM]