hallo commodog
i hef done wit it ini enz..
but it stip dont word i put in in date en hef remose ini.big en renaame
and hef command points to 1200
en i load mij game and i ma stil at 260 command ponte how come
pls help my
please ask again in your native language and i'll bablefish translate it.
Hello commodog,
Sorry, but my english is not so very good.
I have don whit the ini-file.I have put the ini-map into data. I have cut the ini.big in to another map. And this don't work and I renamend it An that don't work eader And I have opend camedata-file I have eddit :
GoodCommandPointLimit= 1200
EvilCommandPointLimit= 600
PowerLimit= 60
ResourceMultiplierLimit= 25.0
How come's that it don't work?
Can you please help me
( I hope thst je can now read it , sorry fot the mistake's in my mail)
did you change the solo player limit as well like Yoinx said in the previous post?