Try over and over. Once you go under a bridge it tells you how many total you have gone under. Now can you tell us how many you truly have? I've had the same problem, but there is a bridge on the third island that is hard to find. So keep searching there.
I litteraly have gone under them all. I know this because when I go under one, it doesn't tell me how many bridges I have gone under, but the achievement hasn't been unlocked still v.v
your game may be defective, or you may not have gotten one. if you fly under an already flown under bridge, im not sure if it says how many more, but there is this one really hard to find bridge that you may have not gotten
Like I said, I downloaded the Achievement Helper from Nevermore's Featured Guide showing where every bridge is, I have flown under all of them, so either Rockstar thinks I`ve cheated, I have a faulty game, or Nevermore lies