umm......are you all still stupid....Who cares if his grammer and spelling is wrong....I think you are just trying to avoid the his thoughts...and he is totally right...Cheating is hella gay and you all need to just play the game because its really fun and Cheating takes away the fun in it. You are all like 11 year olds and can't even micro(if you nubs even know what that means). This game is hella easy and if your looking for cheats cause its too hard thats just pathetic...why do people even make these sites? its hella gay...I'm hoping that some of you will eventually stop cheating and try to play this game for the way it was meant to be played...LOTR is cooler than all of you because Gandalf didn't cheat when he fought the all of you will be doing..***s..bump that ****! I'm outta here.
what are you doing on a cheat site if you think it's stupid? you should REALLY get a life.